Saul Kaye

Israeli Cannabis and Las Vegas, a match made in heaven

Israelis were a strong presence at a recent huge cannabis convention
Cannabis plants at a growing facility in northern Israel, 2010. (photo credit: Abir Sultan/Flash 90)
Cannabis plants at a growing facility in northern Israel, 2010. (photo credit: Abir Sultan/Flash 90)

I was fortunate enough to attend the largest cannabis convention ever seen, this November in Las Vegas. There is no other way to express the energy in the room as HIGH. People are excited by this space and want to get in on the green rush (hyperlink green rush blog).

For me, the height of this buzz and energy surrounded a most interesting part of the industry, Israel and Cannabis. Besides our company, there were three, Israeli Agrotech companies with specific technologies that support cannabis cultivation.

There was a unique energy surrounding the Israeli vendors – more than the others on the scene- and none more than Tikun Olam – an Israeli licensed grower, dispensary and research company with deeper roots in the industry than anyone else on the planet. Attendees were pumped and excited to learn about the amazing research that has come (and is still coming) out of Israel and about the unique opportunities that exist in research and development of medical cannabis in Israel.

For iCan (the first Israeli cannabis accelerator program) this was major validation after two years of investment in the industry. It also highlighted the need for global focused cannabis industries. Luckily, my partner Jason and I saw the need for a global focused medical cannabis conference and established as a platform to accelerate cannabis innovation.

It was an amazing feeling to be recognized and acknowledged by major players in the industry saying, “Yes, we’re heard about you. We’ll see you in Israel at CannaTech in March.”

The use of cannabis as a medicine and as a legal, recreational drug is sweeping the globe, I believe that the tipping point has arrived and that it is a matter of time before wide acceptance of the medicinal value of the plant is accepted and the stigma and myths surrounding the plant will disappear.

The industry is looking towards Israeli innovation, and understands the massive contribution that Israel has played in this emerging industry.

Find out more by coming to Cannabis 101 Educational Syposium

About the Author
Saul Kaye is global influencer in the cannabis industry and in the Psychedelics revolution. A pharmacist by training, Saul is a serial entrepreneur and manages multiple retail and online pharmacy stores with global distribution and has founded and operates a number of other businesses. Saul is passionate about legalization of all plants and reform of current drug policy. Saul educates and helps to train doctors and therapists in Ketamine assisted psychotherapy and psychedelic enhanced therapy a breakthrough modality for the treatment of mental health disorders.
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