Ari Solomon

It’s days like this that…

….that you miss the army because you are no longer challenged with weeklong navigations that require walking 100 kilometers in rain, mud, and cold. It’s in these challenging moments when you realize that your determination and will is stronger than you ever thought, propelling you forward through pain and exhaustion.

…that you enjoy civilian life because the longest walk is from your bed to the living room to watch a movie.

….that you miss the army because you don’t wake up colder than a block of ice hugging an M-4 rifle, in a wet and dirty sleeping bag, wearing the same clothes that you have worn for the last two weeks, on a bed of rocks and thorns. Yet you realize how fortunate you are to serve in the Israeli army, a sacrifice that generations earlier could’ve only dreamed of.

…that you enjoy civilian life because you wake up warm, under endless blankets, the heater turned up, and a pillow under your head.

….that you miss the army because your teammates are no longer there to help you open this week’s fifteenth can of tuna since your hands are frozen numb and fail to operate. Surviving training and combat together, developing an unbreakable bond and becoming a brotherhood

…that you enjoy civilian life because you can make yourself hot coffee, tea, soup, or whatever delicious meal you want as long as its hot and not tuna.

It’s days like this….that I will surely never forget that somewhere there are young soldiers trekking in the field somewhere on another all-night navigation exercise, or on patrol making sure that no terrorist has infiltrated Israel’s borders, or cleaning and checking their gear prior to a dangerous mission, vigilantly safeguarding the Jewish people and nation from attack.

It’s days like this that we must remember to say thank you for their sacrifice and commitment to protecting us while we go about our days, enjoying the comforts of life, safe and comfortable in the Jewish homeland.


About the Author
Ari Solomon was born and raised in Los Angeles, California and at 22, he made Aliyah to Israel. He enlisted in the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) in November 2011 and served in an elite Paratrooper Unit.
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