Jews Voting Democrat Are Erasing Their Jewish Identity
The Democrat Party’s Woke Causes
This article will explain why Jews who vote for or support the US Democrat Party will inevitably erase their own Jewish identity.
The Democrat Party has integrated into its social and political agendas a variety of “woke” causes. A “woke” cause refers to a flimsy social justice cause of rescuing certain victims from alleged injustices and oppression. The alleged victims are never considered guilty of any injustices themselves. The victims can only include certain favored identities, no others can be considered victims. These favored identities are all based on either superficial, immutable, physical characteristics such as race and gender, or else they are based on deviant, corrupt movements such as “gender identity” and “sexual orientation”.
“Woke” ideologies and world views represent much more than political theories, they represent a type of replacement pseudo religion for Judeo-Christian religious beliefs. “Woke” ideologies represent a strongly held system of beliefs about purpose, one’s mission, and one’s way of life that serve the same role as religious beliefs provide for traditional religious observers.
However, “woke” causes never include opposition to any discrimination, injustices, or abuses suffered by two identities disfavored by “woke” movements, I.e., Jews and white heterosexual males. Woke movements will eagerly support racism, discrimination, and two tiered justice systems directed against either Jews or white heterosexual males.
The Severe Conflict Between Woke Values and Jewish Biblical Values
Biblical Jewish values teach principles of good and evil, right and wrong, truth and falsehood. The Jewish Bible instructs Mankind to accept a universal value system, based on ethical monotheism, where all people worship one God who prohibits all barbarism, cruelty, murder, robbery, idolatry, adultery, homosexuality, immorality etc. The God of the Jewish Bible also demands that Mankind practice charity, kindness, and honesty, and promote legal justice.
“Woke” values are for the most part severely in conflict with Biblical values. The Democrat Party’s agenda of promoting “woke” values is a frontal assault on the values of the Jewish Bible. In US Democrat ruled cities, “woke” legal systems have allowed or promoted antisemitic attacks, rioting, theft, vandalism, murder, drug abuse, and other crimes, along with suppressing religious freedom in the name of “gay rights” and “transgender”.
Biblical values measure a person’s worth by their willingness to serve God and serve their fellow man, and by their performance of righteous deeds. In contrast to “woke” values, Biblical values do not place value on race or gender or other immutable characteristics.
Here are a few of the many cases where “woke” values severely conflict with Biblical values:
Marriage is only between a man and a woman: “A man shall therefore leave his father and mother, and be united with his wife, and they become one flesh.” (Genesis 2:24).
Homosexual relations and marriages are prohibited: “Do not lie with a male as you would with a woman, since this is an abomination.” (Leviticus 18:22).
The only genders recognized are male and female. One’s gender at birth may not be altered, nor is mutilation and transgender ever allowed: “In the image of God He created him, male and female He created them.” (Genesis 1:27). “No male garment shall be on a woman, and a man shall not wear a woman’s garment.” (Deut. 22:5).
Rampant murders, assaults, looting, and theft in US Democrat cities are severe violations of Biblical law: “Do not steal.” (Exodus 20:13). “Do not commit murder.” (Exodus 20:13).
Race and gender based discrimination against disfavored groups such as Jews and white males are grave injustices: “Justice, justice shall you pursue.” (Deut. 16:20).
The Land of Israel was given by God solely to the descendants (IE Isaac, but not Ishmael) of Abraham and not to any other nation: “On that day, God made a covenant with Abram, saying, to your descendants I have given this land…” (Genesis 15:18).
In recent years a new, extremely malignant identity, the fake “Palestinian” identity, has been added to the list of “woke” oppressed identities. The fake “Palestinian” cause in the West has coalesced into possibly the most aggressive, violent, destructive and anti-Jewish “woke” cause. This “Palestinian” cause, although lacking in any historical authenticity, attracts the most violent, irrational, and unstable of the “woke” activists. The very existence of a Jewish state seems to incite violent insanity in the “woke” activists.
Alliance Between Radical Democrats and Islamic Terrorists
The Jewish people and their state are the proverbial “canary in the coal mine” of Western civilization. The Jewish people have been plucked at by the vultures and jackals of all time, but miraculously they have survived with the help of God. We are now witnessing major increases in anti-Semitic attacks on Jews, usually in US Democrat controlled areas.
Far left radicals, including the “Hamas Squad” in the US Congress and Islamist operatives in the Biden administration, now dominate the Democrat Party. These far left radicals have allied themselves in a “shotgun marriage” with Islamist terrorists in Iran, Hamas, and the PLO. Both the radical Democrats and the Islamists deny any right of the Jewish nation to the Land of Israel. They are united by their deceptive sounding goal of a “just solution of the Palestinian problem”, which really demands the destruction of Israel and its replacement with a mythological state of “Palestine”.
The Democrat Party has provided massive financial and political support to Iran and to Iran’s terrorist proxies such as the PLO and Hamas. The Democrat Party’s vehement demands and pressure on Israel for creation of a terrorist Palestinian state in the heart of the Land of Israel reflects a new pagan pseudo-theology and pseudo-religion where Israel, Judaism, and the Jewish nation must be erased and relegated to the history books.
In the Jewish Bible, the Land of Israel is forever connected with Jewish history and the Jewish nation. The myth of “Palestine” was invented by ancient Roman Jew-haters who attempted to eliminate any connection between the Jewish nation and the Land of Israel. The goal of both the modern “woke” Left and their Islamist allies is to forcibly replace the State of Israel with a fake, non-Jewish “Palestinian” state, which effectively erases the Jewish Bible and Jewish nation.
The Democrat Party Mutates Jews into “Palestinians”
Just as an adherent of a traditional religion is normally expected to observe all the essential beliefs and practices of that religion, without picking and choosing, a Jew loyal to the Democrat Party must accept the essential parts of the “woke” Democrat agenda.
President Trump recently accused Chuck Schumer of being a “Palestinian”. I see some profound implications in that statement that many Jews may not have realized. A person born Jewish who seeks even minimal acceptance in the Democrat Party now must “un-Jew” themselves and abandon their Jewish identity, and abandon support for Israel’s right to exist. They must replace their Jewish identity with a non-Jewish “Palestinian” identity.
In contrast, the Republican Party has its flaws, but that party certainly views Israel as the legitimate homeland of the Jewish nation. They view Israel as a valuable US ally which has a right to self-defense. Even if a Jew does not necessarily agree with the whole Republican Party platform, a Jew can still vote for and support the Republican Party without having to erase their Jewish identity.
Thus, a Jew can no longer vote for and support the Democrat Party and at the same time maintain any loyalty to an authentic Jewish identity or Jewish faith. A Jew who votes for or supports the current Democrat Party will inevitably erase their own Jewish identity.