Jihad in Happy Valley
Recently someone sent me a picture of a billboard “Paid For By Concerned Citizens for Palestine” entitled “Palestine Needs Peace Not Apartheid.” It then says, “Ceasefire Now.” No such organization can be found on the internet.
What does this mean? It means that there are citizens in our midst who not only support terrorist organizations but would also have Israelis, regardless of their religious affiliation, subjected to rape, torture, murder, and of course, being held hostage.
There is no such thing as Palestine, except that area of the Middle East which was named Palestine by the Romans after the year 125.
Palestine was always the homeland of the Jewish people. It is a name that has now been appropriated by terrorists and terrorist sympathizers.
The Palestinian Liberation Organization was a terrorist group responsible for murder and mayhem throughout the Middle East. After the Oslo Accords, the Palestinian Authority was set up which governs the West Bank of the Jordan River. The Palestinian Authority preaches hatred, Holocaust denial, and teaches that Israel does not have a right to exist. It pays terrorists in a “pay to slay” scheme.
Anyone who would put up a sign in Williamsport saying that Palestine needs peace is either unaware or deliberately ignores the fact that those who promote a Palestinian entity in the Middle East seek the destruction of Israel. What does “ceasefire now” mean? When the terrorists have finally been beaten back by Western civilization, they want a ceasefire. That happens all the time. Hezbollah, Hamas and other terrorist groups seeking the destruction of Israel wage war, launch thousands of missiles, murder and kill, and then seek a ceasefire so that they can rebuild. The Israeli government, along with many others, typically agree to those ceasefires. In the interim years before the terrorists attack again, the groups demanding ceasefire build up their arsenal, usually provided by Iran but also by Russia and China.
Currently, Israel has managed to beat back Hamas in Gaza and Hezbollah in Lebanon. Israel needs to finish the job so that it does not have to deal with future attacks on its citizens.
Are the people who put up billboards such as the one in Williamsport ignorant or do they truly seek the destruction of the Jewish people in Israel along with their Christian and Muslim allies in the land of Israel?
Where is there apartheid and why is Palestine linked to the word apartheid? The only splitting up of peoples, based upon an apartheid scheme, is that practiced by totalitarian Arab regimes and terrorist groups. They divide the Jihadist attackers from everyone else. It is indeed those who post the billboard supporting Hamas, and utilizing the flag of dictators, who are guilty of apartheid. In Israel, there is no apartheid. Jews and Arabs live together in every Israeli city, they serve in the Knesset, they are doctors and healthcare providers in the hospitals, and lawyers in the legal system. There is no apartheid in Israel. The only apartheid is that practiced by terrorists in the areas which they control such as Gaza, the West Bank of the Jordan River, and throughout the Arab world.
Putting the label of apartheid on Israel, which is what billboard posters do, is like calling Mother Teresa a terrorist! Doublespeak turns common and ordinary terms into nonsensical phrases.
Remember every time you drive past the billboard showing the flag of Arab Jihadist Palestine, you are looking at a denial of history, an attempt to rebuild terrorist organizations, and a lie about who is responsible for apartheid.
The billboard represents the worst components of our culture and society who support the destruction of others with whom they do not agree. One cannot help but wonder how those who contribute to the “Concerned Citizens for Palestine” would fare in the regions controlled by the terrorists. Iran, the major terrorist funder, occupies through its proxies Lebanon, Syria, Iraq, Yemen, and is making inroads in other countries as well. They seek your destruction. They have managed to kill all Christians in the Middle East or chase them out of the Middle East. Now they have come to Williamsport.
The people who have posted the billboard in Williamsport obviously do not care about the hostages. Note that they do not ask for the release of hostages, but in fact support that strategy on the part of those for whom they stand. Hostages are currency among terrorists and their sympathizers. Holding the hostages divides cultures, creates acrimony, and is an element of fear successfully utilized by the enemies of humanity. It is no coincidence that the terrorists and their allies demand a ceasefire, but say not a word concerning hostages held by those they support.
If Palestine needs peace, all they have to do is stop the war and hatred against Israel. The old saying goes that if the terrorists would put down their arms, there would be peace immediately. If Israel puts down their arms, there would be no Israel.
Support for a ceasefire “now” is a call, a clarion call, for more rockets fired against Israel along with the specific targeting of Israeli civilians and infrastructure. It is a call for arms against all of those who support Israel and who are committed to ending the reign of terrorism which plagues the modern democratic Western world.
Those who know anything about American History can recall that during World War II, the United States had Japan on the run after Midway and the Germans in retreat and after landing in North Africa, Italy and Normandy. However, no one in our country and no leadership would ever have considered the idea of a ceasefire. Everyone knew that a ceasefire at that point in World War II would result in Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan surviving and controlling the world. This is something that the West, particularly the United States, could not and did not tolerate.
While a ceasefire sounds like a peace and love movement, it is really only about salvaging terrorist ammunition so that they can live to fight another day and to cause destruction, death, and discontent throughout a western world confused about its own self-worth and destiny.
Free the hostages, liberate Palestine from its apartheid, destroy dictatorships, and stand up for freedom. That should be our cause and our work.