Michel M.J. Shore

Justice, Justice You Shall Pursue

For  Parsha Shoftim

Justice, justice you shall pursue…

In trials, tribulations, whom to turn to?

How can a human judge discern any matter?

By walking in G-d’s ways and all the evidence gather!


As an instrument of the L-rd, finely-tuned,

Interpret the law, apply it, for lives not to be ruined.

Examine witness after witness, all a mission;

Soul and conscience seek the truth with healing vision.


Give the priests their due, as rites and rituals

Accompany our journey through life and its sequels.

A human king, humble before G-d’s and his people’s demands;

Two Torah scrolls, he writes, to know before whom he stands


The true prophet speaks only that which G-d does transmit..

If only, all would listen and, thus, our lives submit.

About the Author
Michel M.J. Shore is a retired judge of the Federal Court of Canada and recently made a home in Israel. He is the writer of several published books and poetry collections.
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