Kenneth Cohen

Kol Nidrei

The main figure related to Yom Kippur during the time of the Beit Hamikdash, was the Kohein Hagadol, the High Priest. He was appointed the messenger of the people, to help them receive atonement.

The process of the Temple service of the High Priest, began a week before Yom Kippur. He was brought to the Temple, for a review of all of the details involved on the Day of Atonement.

During the period of the Sadduccees, when many Jews had rejected the Oral Law, the Kohein Hagadol needed to be cross examined by members of the Sanhedrin, to be sure that he was worthy of his lofty task. This was a very emotional moment as it was so unfortunate that such an interrogation was necessary.

The High Priest was kept awake the entire night of Yom Kippur, and he began his service at dawn. He offered many sacrifices and was privileged to enter the Holy of Holies only on this day.

He did confessions on behalf of himself, the other Kohanim, and all of Israel. When he uttered the holy Name of G-d in purity and sanctity, all of the Jews around him, fell on their faces.

When he successfully completed all of his duties on this day, his face radiated with holiness. There was great joy and celebration in feeling Hashem’s closeness, and in feeling that atonement was achieved. This feeling of joy continued throughout the holiday of Succot.

How sad it is that we have no Temple and have not merited seeing the Yom Kippur service. We should be in the mind set that if the Kohein Hagadol began his preparations seven days before Yom Kippur, we should make our own preparations as well.

There is so much to pray for this year in particular. And there is so much gratitude we need to express to G-d, as we have been witnessing Divine protection every single day, in the most miraculous way.

In the merit of the numerous heroes that have shown incredible resolve in defending our homeland, and to all those who have done huge acts of Chessed, we should be blessed with peace, good health, and prosperity.

About the Author
Rabbi Cohen has been a Torah instructor at Machon Meir, Jerusalem, for over twenty years while also teaching a Talmud class in the Shtieblach of Old Katamon. Before coming to Israel, he was the founding rabbi of Young Israel of Century City, Los Angeles. He recently published a series of Hebrew language-learning apps, which are available at