Aryeh Spero

Leading rabbi: Criticizing Soros is not anti-Semitism

Caucus For America president Rabbi Aryeh Spero was quoted in numerous major media outlets this past week — including the Washington Post, The Hill, Arutz Sheva/Israel National News, CNS News, and The Jewish Voice — after releasing the following statement:

“The charge by Terry McAuliffe’s supporters that his opponent, Glenn Youngkin, is anti-Semitic because he criticized George Soros is preposterous.

“No person is beyond criticism simply because he is a member of a minority community,” stated Rabbi Spero. “Mr. Soros actively and openly engages in politics and in influencing state and local governments and is, therefore, a legitimate object of criticism, especially concerning the leftwing policies he’s tried to force on America through his massive underwritings. Thus, this accusation is just another dishonest attempt to win an election by playing the ‘anti-Semitism card.’ It is specious chutzpah.

“Furthermore, those who point to Soros do so not because he is Jewish but because he is Soros, Soros being the most high profile and effective opponent today of American traditional values,” added Rabbi Spero. “As is well documented, he is by far the primary funder of radical leftist candidates and groups vowing to transform America into a transnational entity. Most people don’t even know the ethnic background of George Soros.

Rabbi Spero concluded, “Most ironic and disingenuous is casting Mr. Soros as a symbol of Jewish peoplehood when, in fact, Mr. Soros has spent a lifetime working against Israel’s defense and Jewish survival and needs. He has been proud of his disassociation from the Jewish community. To make him into a Jewish martyr is ludicrous inasmuch as he has spent a lifetime distancing himself from anything identifiably Jewish. Those on the left who too often abandon Israel and never care about the rampant anti-Semitism within their own political left are showing themselves to be hypocrites and putting victory at all costs above truth.”

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About the Author
Rabbi Aryeh Spero, president of Conference of Jewish Affairs, is an ordained Orthodox rabbi, who served congregations in Ohio, Manhattan, and Long Island. His articles have been published in the Wall Street Journal, Washington Times, Human Events, American Spectator, Breitbart, American Thinker, Tradition, Judaism, and Jerusalem Post. He is a frequent guest on Fox News and other programs, and hosts “The Rabbi Spero Show” weeknights 8pm Eastern on CRN Talk Radio. He is author of "Push Back: Reclaiming Our American Judeo-Christian Spirit" and "Why Israel Matters to You."