Letter from a Jonathan to David
Letter from a Jonathan to David
(Written on a Timeless Date, Awaiting an Eternal Future of Security and Well-being for All)
Dear David,
I, or someone like me, once told you to return, that it was the right time and you built the City of David. I write to you now as your friend, one more Jonathan amongst the millions, who have existed throughout history. I formulate my words as millions, I am sure, have in written and unwritten letters, asking you to return to herald a new era of everlasting understanding, well-being, contentment and peace. Do I know if this is the right time? I don’t know. All I know is that…
All the breezes met. From the North, the South, the East and the West, from above and below, vertical and horizontal currents of air were swept into the Jerusalem landscape. With centripetal force, they were inhaled by the center of the world, true to the legend which ascribes to Jerusalem that distinction. And it is for that reason, also, that all passions are drawn to Jerusalem. The implosion of power is waiting, always waiting, to burst forth into a Messianic era, a time beyond time when the City of Jerusalem will extend throughout Israel.
The whirlwind of characters in and drawn to Jerusalem, mine and those of others, some whose stories have been told, others imprisoned in silence, waiting to be heard and still others, never to be told lest their secrets explode the universe, They are accompanied by a millenia of melodies, shofar blasts, trumpet calls, battle cries, wails of mourning, shouts of joy, whispers not audible, in the tumult, to the human ear, but felt, billions of words in hundreds of languages, accents and dialects, prayers, choir chants, Psalms, dirges and a hymn of hope, all one. As if all that had to be said, was said, all at once, without pause or chronology. What the mind could only comprehend by sequence, concentrating on one episode, and peripherally visualizing the background of perhaps other episodes, was taken in one torrent of wind. Just as it is said that the Ten Commandments were uttered all at once, so is all truth, united, encompassed whole, where reason, passion, time, language all meet, transcending the limitations of each.
The prevailing Negev desert sandstorms unfurled the Judean wilderness with grains which grew and blossomed into date, olive, fig, almond and pomegranate trees. Stowaway seeds carpeted the landscape with the colour of white squills, buttercups, saffrons, crocuses, adonisies, cyclamens and narcissuses. Pine, cypress, eucalyptus and casurina trees endowed the landscape with their grace and dignity. The wind and rain chiseled deep ravines and canyons in the hills and rocks, occasionally contenting themselves with a gentle valley.
The Master Sculptor, Choreographer, Playwright, Painter, Musical Composer has reserved the right as Judge to intervention and final verdict, but has provided the possible materials, themes, music, lighting, sets, and scenarios for the choice which he has given his characters, most of whom have never walked the streets of Jerusalem, to either become protagonists or antagonists of Jerusalem. The forces of good and evil, beauty and ugliness ,sorrow and joy, comfort and pain, growth and destruction, birth and death, all meet, as does the fate of all nations. For it is here that the end will begin or the beginning will end, as a prelude, or what may have become an interlude to eternity.
I cannot speak for Him.
All that is left for me is to believe in Him and to…
“Walk about Zion, go round her, count her towers, mark well her ramparts, go through her palaces, that you may tell a later generation that such is God, our God, forever and ever. He will guide us eternally. (Psalm 48)
Do not tarry,
We await you,
One more,