Yoseph Janowski
By the Grace of G-d

Looking good

So far, Israelis have achieved quite a lot militarily.

They eliminated many terrorists both in Gaza and in the West Bank. They decimated Hezbollah, which led to the fall of Syria. They (with the help of allies) neutralized Iranian projectiles twice, and reportedly knocked out Iran’s air defenses.

Since October 7, Israel stands militarily in a very strong position. The resignation of the chief of staff and others leads to the possibility that new army leadership will be more in tune to conquering and defeating the enemy.

Some objectives still need to be achieved, such as wiping out Hamas and taking away Iran’s nuclear option. Also, the Houthis in Yemen need to be put in their place.

All of the military accomplishments over the past year have happened despite world pressure against Israel. Israel stood up to the world.

Now, looking at the future ahead of us, there is reason to be optimistic. The Almighty has helped Israel over the past year, and we trust that He will continue to protect His chosen nation.

In the Book of Daniel chapter 7, Daniel sees four beasts emerging from a stormy, great sea. In previous posts it was explained that the vision seems to be describing four nations emerging from the stormy winds of World War Two, in battles that were fought on land which surrounded the Mediterranean Sea — Germany, Russia, Britain, and the US.

It was also explained how the timeline of the vision seems to accurately describe current times.

The expression that Daniel uses (and it’s repeated a number of times in that chapter) is that the nation of those holy ones who are dedicated to on high (to the Almighty) will rule, and all the nations will respect this role and will support it.

Now after a year of standing strong and defeating their enemies militarily, we can say — based on how Daniel’s vision seems to be indicating — that those who are dedicated to doing the will of the Almighty (to not give away land, and to stand firm to defend Israel) will succeed.

Daniel is also referring to the time of Moshiach. This strengthens our optimism that very soon we will see the complete redemption with our righteous Moshiach, who will lead all Jews back to Israel, where we will serve G-d in the third and final Beis Hamikdosh — the Temple, and its light will shine out to the rest of the world. It will be a time of peace and prosperity for all.

May it happen very soon.

About the Author
The author lives in Toronto, Canada. He has written for