Leon Lifschutz

Maccabi USA off to Massada

Today we head off to Massada, the Dead Sea, and the Bedhouin tents.  It promises to be a long but very fun day.  As we start approaching a week for many of us here in Eretz Yisrael things are truly coming together for Team USA.  With Jet Lag worn off (at least for some of us) practices are becoming increasingly productive for teams vying for gold next week.

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Perhaps more importantly Team USA is begining to gel off the field of play in what one can only describe as developing strong chemistry and camaraderie.  Our trip to Jerusalem yesterday was the most indicative of this development. Sharing an experience like Jerusalem with one another was powerful.  The players continue to realize what a shared experience they have as Jewish athletes and even more so what that actually means.  The fact they are having quite a bit of fun does not hurt either.

Well, off to Massada now, just a few more days until opening ceremonies.


About the Author
Leon Lifschutz is an accommodations manager providing logistical support for Team US at the Maccabiah 2013.