Alan Weinkrantz

Made in Jerusalem Startup Media Strategy Jam Sessions (July/August 2015)

I’m moving to Jerusalem for the months of July and August and looking to mentor 10 startups that are six months away from launching, or making a significant change in your business, or getting ready for a major announcement.

If you are based in Jerusalem, I want to help you learn how to identify, listen to, and successful reach out to media that you think will impact your startup.

Let’s jam. Let’s figure out the right media for you to get to know, build a relationship with and make some magic. Photo by me.
Let’s jam. Let’s figure out the right media for you to get to know, build a relationship with and make some magic. Photo by me.

I am, in no way, guaranteeing you coverage.

What I am guaranteeing you is a method and access to a rich database of just about every journalist, blogger, analyst, and thought leader in just about every market segment in North America.

I am not going to let you spam these people.

I am going to teach you how to listen to them. How to get in their heads. How to find what they write about. What matters to them, and how you can help them advance their editorial mission with insights and knowledge from you.

This will be a lot of work on your part.

And unless you make a commitment to me that you will work on my terms, I will have the right to fire you from this project if you don’t follow my method and do the homework I assign to you.

This is not about getting you coverage.

It’s about your getting something amazing, interesting and meaningful to a journalist.

It’s about building a relationship so you can help them help their readers / viewers / listeners

Email me your pitch —

Be brief and compelling.

Deadline to apply is June 29. No exceptions.

I am sponsored by the Rackspace Startup Program.

My mission is to #BeHelpful.


About the Author
Alan Weinkrantz is a Tech PR / Startup Communications advisor to Israeli and U.S. companies, and is the Brand Ambassador and Senior Advisor for James Brehm & Associates, one of the leading IoT (Internet of Things) strategy and consulting firms.