Batya Medad

Making a Snowdrift out of a Snowflake

Years ago, snow surprised us, just like I didn’t know the sex of my babies until they were born.  Sometimes surprises are more fun.

And we survived the snow way back when.  Neighbors helped more.  We heated with kerosene heaters, which were fine, since ours homes were smaller, too.

Nobody got paid for snow alerts.  In recent years, a couple of times every winter, there are snow alerts.  Municipal workers and even tv journalists hang around waiting for the snow, just in case.  Most of the time, like that winning hand at cards, or jackpot lottery ticket, the snow doesn’t show.  At least it doesn’t show long enough to make a snowball. Though those “waiting workers” make good money, snow or no snow.

On Friday it snowed here in Shiloh.  By the time I had finished blogging about it the snow was gone.

Easy come and…

snowing outside

…easy go, no snow.

no more snow
About the Author
Batya was born in the USA and raised in NY in a rather assimilated Jewish home. In high school, she discovered Torah Judaism in NCSY, Jewish activism in SSSJ, and Zionism in Betar. Her and her husband made aliyah after their wedding. They first lived in Jerusalem, and moved to Shiloh in 1981. There, she began writing for various publications and blogs. Batya is the initiator of Women's Rosh Chodesh Prayers at Tel Shiloh.