Kenneth Cohen

Man’s Struggle

The struggle between Yakov and the angel, is seen as symbolic of man’s struggle with the Yeitzer Hara, the evil inclination.

The Torah tells us that Yakov was left alone at night, when he wrestled with Eisav’s ministering angel. Being alone at night is when the Yeitzer Hara goes to work. It fills people with fears and doubts. They get taken off track and anxiety takes them over. It really is a lifelong task to overcome the seduction of this evil force. In Yakov’s case, he succeeded in winning this battle, but he was injured in the thigh. The thigh represents his descendants that will also have to fight such a battle. They will have to overcome many temptations that might lure them away from the path of Judaism, G-d forbid.

This strange wrestling match in the still of the night, is meant to be a wake up call for parents and grandparents. There has never been so many options and different ways of life, as there are today. Young people can so easily be led away from Judaism and its values.

Extra efforts must be made to educate our young people and show them what is right and holy. They must be given love and they must find excellent role models. They must learn to emulate righteous individuals and see the value of being principled and honest.

Yakov may have succeeded in overcoming the Yeitzer Hara. But our work is challenging and important. There might not be anything more important than fulfilling this task of guiding and educating our youth.

About the Author
Rabbi Cohen has been a Torah instructor at Machon Meir, Jerusalem, for over twenty years while also teaching a Talmud class in the Shtieblach of Old Katamon. Before coming to Israel, he was the founding rabbi of Young Israel of Century City, Los Angeles. He recently published a series of Hebrew language-learning apps, which are available at