Joseph Frenkel

Maybe the world isn’t going to hell

Maybe the world isn’t going to hell.

Maybe I’m in a good mood. Perhaps it’s a good month – Shavuot, my wedding anniversary, some time off work. I’m not sure what it is, but negativity doesn’t seem to affect me as much lately. No, I’m not some crazy, star-eyed optimist (but it would be nice!) when it comes to the state of the worlds’ morality, spirituality, health and environmental future.

Maybe it’s my experiences that colour my views. After seeing countless patients of mine improve their health and personal circumstances, I’ve witness monumental, inspirational changes. I’ve seen the type of transformation where it’s almost impossible to view these special people as they were previously.

Maybe it’s in my genes. My grandparents survived with their entire lives, family and history being violently uprooted by the greatest war-machine ever witnessed and still they got on with their lives, had families and found a way to laugh, smile and love everyday. Their lives, choices and beliefs allowed me sit here in the comfort and security of my home to write about them.

Maybe I’m naïve because I live in a safe country with tolerant, broad-minded people. Sure I’ve experienced antisemitism, but most people view me as a person who happens to be Jewish and chooses to express his faith in a non-confrontational way. Most people get that the way you look doesn’t make you a religious zealot, fixated on subjugating “non-believers” with archaic rules for everything.

Maybe I’m happy, because I choose to be. Bad news sells, social media is highly speculative and the online ideals of beauty and success are so unrealistic. The ever-expanding noise of data, information, spam and imagery is a mostly an ocean of garbage. It’s boring, vain and empty. Maybe this piece is part of that. But we can choose what we post, watch, tag, click and like. And I choose the stuff that makes me happier, smarter and more connected.

Maybe if we all saw the glass as half full.

Maybe we could choose to be happier, funnier, smarter, and healthier if we wanted to.

Maybe we could focus on the good in our lives.

Maybe we can connect with each better.

Maybe it’s just a feeling. Maybe, somehow and in some way, I just know we’re going to get there. Mankind and more specifically the Jewish People have been through virtually every challenge imaginable and we’re still here moving forward.

After so long, maybe we’ve all got so much further to go.

About the Author
Joseph (Yossi) Frenkel is a Podiatrist, academic, freelance writer and (very) amateur basketballer from Melbourne, Australia. His busy family and community life never ceases to be a source of inspiration, frustration and comedy!