Mazal and Glick
A few months ago, Rabbi Yehudah Glick was shot and seriously hurt outside Jerusalem’s Menachem Begin Heritage Center. As head of HaLiba (The Initiative for Jewish Freedom on the Temple Mount) and former director of The Temple Institute, Glick has long been at the forefront of the ongoing effort to win true religious freedom for Jews and other non-Muslims on the Temple Mount. He worked for and continues to work on this initiative.
That last sentence may be a little deceptive as it does not truly tell the picture of what happened that night in late October 2014. A would-be assassin shot Rabbi Glick at point blank range four times. As a result, he was wounded severely and was immediately transported to the hospital. According to his own reports later, people, including his own children, came to the hospital expecting to say goodbye to him, as his situation was very grave. However, he had what can only be called a miraculous recovery and has been on the mend, ever since the doctors saved his life.
I have read many articles and quotes from Rabbi Glick over the past few months detailing the incident and records of his comments about what happened. However, I recently was sent a video of an interview with him in which two things become very apparent: He is alive by the grace of Hashem–truly an open miracle. And secondly, we can listen to his words and get a sense of what EMUNAH–faith–truly is.
I share here with you a link to this video; the rest of the full video will be available soon. In the meantime, watch this brief ten minute video to get a sense of someone who truly is a special person. May Hashem continue to give him and all those who are sick and/or injured, a refuah shlema (a full and speedy recovery)
The video can be seen here.