Mondoweiss slanders a pro-peace student for clothing choice
As if the radical one state solution blog, Mondoweiss, didn’t have enough falsehoods to spread, the site has recently published an article attacking a pro-peace student based more upon his clothing choice than his ideas.
Frightened by the prospect of having another competitor in the ever expanding war to have the solution for the conflict in the Middle East, Phillip Weiss penned an article titled: Another pro-Israel student leader offers himself as an advocate for the Palestinian people (shirtless).
As a response to the article, “New Campus Group Counters J-Street’s Focus On Politics,” published on the Times of Israel, rather than question his moderate and fair political standpoints, Mr. Weiss has chosen to attack Raffi himself as an individual.
I have had the pleasure of meeting Raffi, and I can personally attest to character. If there is anyone out there truly dedicated to peace in the Middle East and a broader understanding of the conflict, it is Raffi Fils, and I am personally disgusted by Mondoweiss’ blatant attack on his character. Raffi has always had a passion for human rights, but unlike the propaganda artists at Mondoweiss, he has dedicated himself to expanding other’s understanding on the Middle East.
The organization Raffi has just successfully founded is known as JUMP, Justice and Uniting for Middle East Peace. JUMP’s moto, according to their website is:
Justice and Uniting the Mideast in Peace (JUMP) is the future of pro-peace and the new political home for everyone. By advocating for policies that ensure social justice and human rights for all, JUMP fights for the future of the Middle East to ensure a lasting peace and that human rights exist for all in the region. Through our actions, JUMP seeks to shift the focus of U.S. politics towards policies that support necessary steps towards peace in the Middle East. At JUMP, we believe that the conflicts and human rights issues across the Middle East can come to an end with the help of the international community, and believe that the United States should take a leading role. Together we can bring peace to the Middle East and ensure human rights exist for all in the region. Only with your help can JUMP succeed in our fight for the future of all peoples of the Middle East. Make the JUMP today, and become part of the future of pro-Peace.
In other words, this is a step towards creating a peaceful end to this century long conflict.
However, as is the typical standpoint of writers for Mondoweiss, Weiss has chosen not to debate Raffi for his policy, but rather to complain about his twitter picture, his “racy pictures of Israeli models” and the app “Grindr”. Furthermore, Mr. Weiss slanderously chose to put words in Mr. Fils’ mouth stating “when the Palestinians accept limited sovereignty in Area A we can get rid of the damn checkpoints” and “Israel [should take] control of the West Bank through more settlements.” In actuality, JUMP’s stance on the settlements is an understanding that they are an obstacle for peace, but not the obstacle for peace. Other issues, predominantly human rights issues are of far greater concern than houses for new Israeli families.
If Mr. Weiss had taken the time to truly understand JUMP he perhaps may have agreed with the policies. Perhaps Mr. Weiss simply doesn’t believe that all people deserve equality. Perhaps, Israel should become null and void for a one state solution, as the radical blog often suggests. Or perhaps, just maybe, Mr. Weiss could find something better to do than attack human rights activists for their choice of clothing and cell phone apps.
Seth Greenwald is a Sophomore at Clark University and a proud Israel activist. Seth can be reached at and encourages Mr. Weiss to respond at his leisure.