Daniel Swindell

My MU Police Report

This is a photo of the University of Missouri police report regarding a phone call placed by Rasha Abousalem. This police report was requested under the Missouri Sunshine Law, which allows freedom of the public to access information. All of the personal information, such as phone number and address, has been removed. 
(Photo: Daniel Swindell)
This is a photo of the University of Missouri police report regarding a phone call placed by Rasha Abousalem. This police report was requested under the Missouri Sunshine Law, which allows freedom of the public to access information. All of the personal information, such as phone number and address, has been removed. (Photo: Daniel Swindell)

My name is Daniel Swindell. I live in Columbia, Missouri, where the University of Missouri is located. For a decade, I have volunteered to help students set up Pro-Israel events. Recently, I was issued a Trespass Warning for peacefully protesting an anti-Israel film. For half a year, I cannot return to campus. So, I want to share the entire police report with the public. I will let the reader decide if I deserved the punishment.

A. My Tresspass Warning:

On December 17th., MU President Mun Choi issued a TressPass Warning against me for distributing Pro-Israel leaflets at an anti-Israel event, after he was fully aware that I had received permission from MU Deputy Spokesperson Travis Zimpfer to distribute literature.

B. Common Practice:

It is a common practice for people to protest Pro-Israel events by distributing leaflets. In fact, retired Professor George Smith is the most prominent member of a group called, “Missourians for Justice in Palestine.” He used to regularly protest Pro-Israel gatherings by handing out materials.

Part 1: The Anti-Israel Film Showing:

  1. On November 20th., I attended an anti-Israel documentary screening on campus. 
  2. The film was called Israelism.
  3. The story follows the transformation of a young Jewish woman who decides that she longer wants to defend Israel.
  4. The hosts described people who support Israel as “cult” members.

Part 2: I Set Up a Quiet Protest.

  1. I arrived at Mumford Hall.
  2. I set up a small table with Pro-Israel pamphlets produced by StandWithUS.
  3. I stood quietly by the table and only spoke to a couple of people who approached the table. 
  4. MU Deputy Spokesperson Travis Zimpfer was monitoring the event. 
  5. Spokesperson Zimpfer told me that he was responsible for communicating the rules.
  6. He emphasized that there was a rule that I could not disturb the film.
  7. I confirmed that I would not disturb the presentation. In fact, I never spoke during the film.
  8. Spokesperson Zimpfer gave me verbal permission to continue to distribute literature.

C. Who is Professor Rasha Abousalem? 

Professor Rasha Abousalem also attended the film. She is a member of a group called, “Missourians for Justice in Palestine.” The group helps organize weekly protests against the Jewish State. During the semester, I filmed and posted a video of Rasha Abousalem marching next to a sign declaring: “Save Hamas.” 

Part 3: Professor Rasha Abousalem Calls the Police. 

  1. At the event, I did not speak to Rasha Abousalem.
  2. Without my knowledge, she called the police to complain that I should be removed.
  3. Officer Andrew Bolar arrived at the scene.
  4. Officer Bolar decided that he could not find a reason to ask me to remove the table. 
  5. So, he left without speaking to me.

Part 4: The Letter Arrives in My Mail.

  1. About 20 days later, I received a letter in the mail.
  2. The letter informed me that I was going to be issued a Tresspass Warning for distributing literature at the occasion.
  3. President Choi claimed that I was “in violation of Section 6:054 of The University’s Business and Policy and Procedure Manual, which addresses distribution of non-university publications on campus. It states in part: ‘Location, placement, and when distribution takes place inside a University building requires the approval of the Building Coordinator to ensure it does not detract from the building, and does not encourage waste or littering.’”

Part 5: I Learned for the First Time that Police Came to the Building:

  1. When I received the letter in the mail, President Choi stated that campus police came to the building.
  2. President Choi wrote: “I recognize the campus police responded to the building on the evening of November 20 and did not take action to remove you at the time. It is not my intent or purpose to second guess decisions made to address the situation in the moment, and regardless of whether it was understood by the responding officials that evening, your conduct violated Section 6:054 because you did not obtain approval to distribute literature inside Mumford Hall at that time.”

Part 6: President Choi Rejects My Appeal Letter:

  1. I was given a chance to appeal the decision.
  2. I sent a letter explaining that Spokesperson Zimpfer gave me permission to offer pamphlets.
  3. President Choi responded that he was already aware that I was given approval to distribute leaflets. However, the University representative who gave me permission, did not actually have the authority to grant permission.
  4. President Choi wrote: “You describe an interaction that evening with a University representative monitoring the event who told you that you could proceed. As indicated in my December 9 letter, it is not my intent or purpose to second guess decisions made to address the situation in that moment … In any event, the individual with whom you interacted was not the building coordinator for Mumford Hall.” 
  5. According to President Choi: Since, Spokesperson Zimpfer was not the building coordinator for Mumford Hall, then he had no authority to give me approval to distribute literature, and therefore I was still being issued a Tresspass Warning.

D. I Am Sharing the Entire Unedited Police Report.

Detail Notes: At 18:16 hours, Officer Andrew Bolar was dispatched to assist a citizen at Mumford Hall.

E. Here is What Officer Andrew Bolar Wrote in His Report:

Abousalem stated concern about an individual identified as Daniel Swindell who was at the screening of Israelism at Mumford Hall. Abousalem informed communications she did not know if Swindell was allowed to be at the event. Abousalem stated Swindell has caused issues for them in the past by having a booth that protests their cause. 

Abousalem stated Swindell had placed a small table up in the hallway near the room Israelism was being played. Abousalem wanted law enforcement to find out if Swindell got permission to have the table there. Abousalem stated if he did not, she would like for law enforcement to inform him to remove it.

Upon arrival to Mumford Hall, I spoke with individuals who were heading into the screening of Israelism. These individuals stated Swindell was already in the room for the screening of Israelism. The individuals stated Swindell was being peaceful and respectful before and during the screening.

The individuals showed me the table with flyers on it and small booklets with information. The individuals stated Swindell put the small table up, they were wondering if he is able to have the table up in the hallway.

I informed the individuals Swindell is able to attend the event since it is public, but I was not sure if he was able to have a table setup.

I informed them I would speak with my superiors and attempt to find information regarding Swindell putting up the table. I contacted Officer Stevens and informed him of the situation. I informed Officer Stevens, Swindell had placed a small table in the main lobby of Mumford Hall. 

The table was placed back against the wall and was not in the walk way of the lobby.

Officer Stevens contacted Captain Rodgers via text and informed him of the situation. Captain Rodgers informed Officer Stevens he was not sure if it is okay for Swindell to have the table or handouts, but if he is being peaceful and not causing an issue it should be fine.

I was approached and given a piece of paper by Travis Zimpfer, which outlined protests, demonstrations and peaceful protests.

On this paper it states “You can distribute literature inside an open meeting before or after the meeting”.

Also stating “You can protest closed meetings only outside the meeting and only as long as you do not impede access to the meeting or substantially interfere with the communications inside”.

I contacted Abousalem and informed her that Swindell was not causing a disturbance and the table was not in the way or denying individuals access, law enforcement was not going to have Swindell remove the table.

Abousalem appeared to be aggravated by my statement. 

Abousalem was wondering why Swindell can have a table up in a private MU building and have no affiliation with the University of Missouri.

I informed Abousalem I was unable to locate anything stating he could not have the table up and since this was a public event Swindell was able to be there.

Abousalem then stated students were concerned with Swindell being there. I informed Abousalem again, Swindell was allowed to be there since it was a public event and to contact law enforcement if he starts causing issues.

Abousalem stated she was disappointed with MUPD and not having Swindell remove the table. Abousalem stated she wanted an email from me stating MUPD did not remove the table.

I informed Abousalem I would send her an email with my report number regarding the incident.

I did not speak with Swindell while I was at Mumford Hall, I did not see it necessary since he was not causing any issues.

(End of Report)

F. You Be The Judge:

After listing the facts, I will let the reader decide if I am being treated fairly. That being said, President Choi can try to silence my defense of the Jewish people, but he will never succeed. In six months, I will joyfully return to campus and fly the flag of Israel!

This is a photo of the small table I set up with Pro-Israel pamphlets produced by StandWithUs. The entrance room of Mumford Hall is very large. I set up the table in the back corner of the room and did not block the hallway. (Photo: Daniel Swindell)

About the Author
Daniel Swindell is a Zionist. He has a B.A. in Philosophy from the University of Missouri, and has studied in Yeshiva.