Lou Sandler

Netanyahu’s war must end. Israel must also offer logical achievable goals

Hezbollah rains rockets on Haifa as deputy leader claims capabilities intact

Netanyahu warns Lebanon it faces destruction ‘like Gaza’ and tells its people to ‘free your country from Hezbollah for war to end’

There is no one (in Hezbollah) to make decisions, no one to act,” Gallant said.’

This is quite clearly a false and deeply misrepresentative statement by Gallant. While Hezbollah’s primary leadership has been significantly impacted by Israel’s attacks, Hezbollah remains quite operative as they fire hundreds of rockets to now include targeting Haifa while fighting on the ground.

These rocket attacks on Haifa have caused damage and some injury but fortunately haven’t had major impacts – yet. But they will. And they will soon. Then what? That all seems ok with Netanyahu and Gallant since it will allow them to further escalate wars they already can’t manage and for which they still have not offered clearly identifiable goals…other then what is becoming a never-ending war that’s going to turn on Israel militarily and geopolitically

If not exactly as strong as before, Hezbollah remains an organized and experienced army who also spent time fighting on the ground in Syria for the butcher Assad (who was actively assisted in his Crimes Against Humanity by Putin). And though Hezbollah certainly can’t win a straight fight with the IDF, nor can Hamas, they are both adept at asymmetrical, guerilla and attritional warfare. Hezbollah is also much stronger and better prepared than Hamas.

Only Netanyahu could have turned Israel into a pariah state so quickly after the horror of October 7th – for which he remains uniquely responsible. Only Netanyahu could have lost global empathy and support so quickly after 10/7. Netanyahu’s politics are increasingly narrow and short-sighted while potentially sending Israel to its doom.

I just read a frightening news report saying that Netanyahu has threatened Lebanon it could face the same ‘destruction and suffering’ as has Gaza. We were told that the IDF’s excursion into Lebanon is to reestablish the blue line between Israel and Lebanon which Hezbollah long ago violated with the UN’s indifference while destroying Hezbollah’s infrastructure on the border. That is reasonable. Netanyahu’s latest threat is not. Netanyahu must be stopped and forced to resign.

I’ve never supported the scream for a unilateral ‘ceasefire’ only by Israel. I have yet to hear any of those crying for a ceasefire by Israel or for Palestinian Rights to demand Hamas be held accountable for 10/7, end it’s brutal occupation of Gaza, and leave. I have yet to hear any of those crying for a unilateral ceasefire by Israel to demand Hezbollah stop its daily attacks on Israel since October 2023 so as to allow tens of thousand of evacuated Israelis can return home.

But driven by Netanyahu’s excess and brutality, the US and the West are likely close to having had enough of a country and prime minister they’ve so strongly supported but who refuses to show any accountability or responsibility in return. I’ve lived and worked in Israel. I strongly support Israel. But I now greatly fear not only for Israel but also for the diaspora who are experiencing increasingly violent anti-Semitism.

As I’ve written for years, which has now turned even more evident, the most significant threat to Israel’s current security and future stability is more Netanyahu, Smotrich, Ben Gvir and their cohort than Hamas, Hezbollah and Iran combined

I think the time is now for Israel to hold in place and offer logical demands for a true bilateral cessation of hostilities. The war can always be resumed — though hopefully not. Regardless, it cannot continue to be prosecuted as it has by Netanyahu and his Jewish Supremacist coalition.

Israel and Netanyahu must be smarter. An Israeli led cessation in hostilities would mean that the IDF AND IAF would hold in place while Israel, creates, then offers logical demands for bilateral ceasefires. It must start with the return of all hostages, Hamas to similarly stop fighting and Hezbollah’s discontinuing all attacks on Israel while pulling back to the border as was originally and long ago violated.

If these demands (offers) are dismissed by Hezbollah and/or Hamas, war can resume…but only when there is a planned outcome and goals which includes far less brutality and ‘over the top’ (as Biden had identified) behavior by Israel.

And if war is to resume, it would very hopefully do so only with Netanyahu and his cohort out of government. The clutch of violent illegal West Bank settlements and settlers must be cleared out. Settler violence must be STOPPED by the IDF and Israeli Border Police and land returned to West Bank Palestinian farmers.

Netanyahu’s war must stop – NOW

About the Author
I was born in Baltimore, MD and have since had a wide range of experiences including a year plus in Israel. I've been a progressive organizer, writer/media spokesperson, coordinator and freelance. I am a PhD level Clinical Behavioral Analyst specializing in severe behavioral need in children (and adults) and their families. I write through no ‘agenda or special interest’ other than being a passionate supporter of Israel and Israel's future.
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