Yoseph Janowski
By the Grace of G-d

No more Mr. Nice Guy

Israel offered land at the Oslo Accords.

Israel withdrew from Lebanon.

Israel gave away Gaza.

Iran got billions of dollars, as the world tried to appease them.

Intifadas, missiles, terrorism have resulted.

After October 7, the world kept screaming at Israel to stop fighting.

It’s time to tell everyone that enough is enough.

It’s time to tell everyone that Israel has learned its lesson.

Because there comes a time, when we need to look ourselves in the eye, and tell ourselves, that we’re not stupid.

We need to tell ourselves, that there are fanatics out there who really and truly want to kills us.

And we need to tell ourselves, that it’s time to defend the land and destroy the enemy.

No more living in la la land. No more trying to convince ourselves that, if we only tried harder, gave away more land, talked more peace — even as our enemies talked about destroying us, if we only did a bit more, then surely, surely Hamas and Hezbollah will come to love us.

You can only live in a dreamworld for so long. And then you finally wake up, look around, and realize that the greatest fool, is the one who fools oneself.

It’s time to wake up. It really is time to wake up.

It’s time to defend our land, our people, our children. It’s time to tell ourselves, that we need to accept reality.

Sometimes you don’t need to be a military expert; you just need some common sense.

It’s time.

About the Author
The author lives in Toronto, Canada. He has written for