Jeremy Dery

No to Iran nuke deal!!!

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing”

N o the Jewish people will never be silent in the face of a growing evil that threatens our survival

O ur sacred land of Israel will always remain strong and safe for all of our citizens.

T  he Iran deal will empower Iran to make the nuclear bomb with the blessing of the western world

O nly Israel can defend itself by itself and will not rely on any other foreign country for protection

I am a proud and vocal Zionist living in Israel and wish to express my opposition to this deal

R ally the Israeli citizens to protest this dangerous and existential threat facing Israel

A lways stand with Israel if you believe in human rights, freedom of expression, and value life

N uclear agreement is causing a lot of concerns for many Arab nations

N ever again means NEVER AGAIN!!!!

U ntil the negotiations stop, Israel will always remain vigilant

K eep all of our military options open to thwart the Persian Menace

E very form of appeasement given to Iranian regime is viewed as weakness and will be exploited

D anger to the Middle East and Mankind with Iran terror sponsor and weapons of destruction

E vil must be exposed and destroyed- Iran is the source of this region’s instability

A llowing Iran to have the bomb is like given Hitler the atomic bomb used on Japan

L et us say proudly- NO TO IRAN NUKE DEAL


About the Author
Jeremy has worked in the Knesset with the Likud minister Ayoob Kara. He has also promoted the Likud party during the recent elections. Jeremy has used social media tools in order to promote the Israeli agenda worldwide, particularly during various military operations in the past five years. Jeremy graduated from Tel Aviv University with a Masters degree in Conflict Resolution. He also assists various pro-Israel groups as a guest speaker discussing various issues relating to the peace process, the refugees, and how to be more active within Israeli political circles.