No to Iran nuke deal!!!
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing”
N o the Jewish people will never be silent in the face of a growing evil that threatens our survival
O ur sacred land of Israel will always remain strong and safe for all of our citizens.
T he Iran deal will empower Iran to make the nuclear bomb with the blessing of the western world
O nly Israel can defend itself by itself and will not rely on any other foreign country for protection
I am a proud and vocal Zionist living in Israel and wish to express my opposition to this deal
R ally the Israeli citizens to protest this dangerous and existential threat facing Israel
A lways stand with Israel if you believe in human rights, freedom of expression, and value life
N uclear agreement is causing a lot of concerns for many Arab nations
N ever again means NEVER AGAIN!!!!
U ntil the negotiations stop, Israel will always remain vigilant
K eep all of our military options open to thwart the Persian Menace
E very form of appeasement given to Iranian regime is viewed as weakness and will be exploited
D anger to the Middle East and Mankind with Iran terror sponsor and weapons of destruction
E vil must be exposed and destroyed- Iran is the source of this region’s instability
A llowing Iran to have the bomb is like given Hitler the atomic bomb used on Japan
L et us say proudly- NO TO IRAN NUKE DEAL