Mottle Wolfe

Nobody Cares About Your Nakba

So just in case you missed it, yesterday was that favorite Hallmark holiday, The Nakba.

In case you don’t know, in case you missed this walking through the greeting card aisle in CVS, let me give you a primer on The Nakba.

Sixty Eight years ago yesterday the collective Arab armies of the Middle East (there were no such thing as Palestinians back then) launched an all out military assault to destroy the fledgling Jewish State of Israel.

Here is how the Arab war goals were described by Abdul Rahman Hassan Azzam, the then Secretary-General of the Arab League. He declared in 1947 that, were a war to take place with the proposed establishment of a Jewish state, it would lead to “a war of extermination and momentous massacre which will be spoken of like the Mongolian massacre and the Crusades.

The Arabs, and I say Arabs because there was no such thing as Palestinians at the time, had a clear genocidal intent.

They lost. Now they call it The Nakba or the catastrophe. Today there are some Israeli Arabs that celebrate Yom Haatzmaut, Israel Independence Day . They realize that their life in Israel as Arabs is better than anywhere else in the reeking armpit that is the Muslim Arab world.

But then there are some ingrates that that demand Israel acknowledge the pain of the Arab people losing their genocidal war against the Jews.

In 1990 there were about 100,000 Jews living across the ‘Green Line’ today there are over 700,000. We have built entire cities like Har Homa between Bethlehem and Jerusalem and Maale Adumim between Ramallah and Jerusalem that make the creation of a contiguous Palestinian state an impossibility. Removing 7000 Jews from Gaza almost tore this country apart, there is no way that Israel has the political will to uproot 700,000 people from Judea and Samaria. And besides while we are even talking about this nonsense that number is growing everyday. We are building like crazy, and more and more Jews are moving into here.

Forget about the logistics of forcefully evicting 700 thousand to 1 million people which has never happened in human history without war and violent upheaval, the BDS movement is a failure, and the rest of the world doesn’t care about the Palestinians enough to invest any skin in the game. Yes, it is a foregone conclusion that there will never be a State of Palestine.

Palestinians can choose to see this as a ‘catastrophe’, or you they can move on with creating a future for their children in the Jewish State of Israel, or the countries such as Jordan, Lebanon, or Syria where they have been living for 68 years.  One thing is for sure, this Israeli has zero sympathy for the fact that they lost their genocidal war of destruction.

The author is the host of The Mottle Wolfe Show, Israel’s only daily English Language News Talk Program.  This article was originally aired on his show.  You can listen here or subscribe on iTunes or Stitcher Radio.

About the Author
Mottle Wolfe Tweets as @RebMottle. He is the host of The Mottle Wolfe Show, Israel's only daily news talk program. He lives in the Hills of Judea with his wife Batya, and their three children.