Obama’s Hopeless Foreign Policy
Discovering gold nuggets in them hills with a pickax is easier than understanding President Obama’s foreign policy. Future left-wing historians may try to spit-shine the Obama legacy, but his policies have been destructive, costly, and irreparable. Anticipation of what Obama will do over his remaining two years is creating lots of fear in the hearts of Americans.
Then again, there may be hope; “hope” that we are all comatose and soon will wakeup from this bad dream.
Ever notice Obama’s blank expression when explaining to the American people that he didn’t know anything about the latest national security debacle or disclosed new scandal? Perhaps he is too focused on granting citizenship to millions of illegal immigrants, fulfilling his promise to fundamentally change America.
Some say that “government is the problem.” Today our problem is this Administration’s weakness, timidity, and lack of vision, particularly in the area of national security.
In 2011, against career military advice, this President pursued the full withdrawal of American forces from Iraq without leaving a “smidgeon” of troops to protect our hard fought victory. Our void in that powderkeg helped destabilize the country and fueled the growth of ISIS, which last winter Obama referred to as a “JV” team. Today, that Islamic terrorist organization pursues its unabated bloody path. Again, Obama was supposedly unaware of this festering danger until recently; this is his excuse for not arming our allies sooner, helping the people of Syria, or assisting in their fight with concentrated U.S. air power. ISIS terror is now spreading not only throughout the Middle East but also on U.S. soil, Europe, and Canada. The terrorists are here. The politics of this Administration stand in the way of the force necessary that would obliterate the satanic barbarism of ISIS and other menacing Islamic terror threats to the United States.
While the Pentagon and State Department should be focusing like a laser on the growth of Arab terror, Obama’s Secretary of State has instead directed his ire at our key Middle East ally, Israel, leaving little doubt which side this Administration supports. John Kerry actually places the blame of Islamic “extremism” squarely on the lack of an Israeli-Palestinian peace accord. How is a peace accord supposed to be achieved with Hamas and the corrupt Palestinian leadership that repeatedly call for the Jewish State’s destruction? Our own State Department recognizes Hamas as a terror organization. Does Kerry actually believe an agreement between the Israelis and Palestinians would stop the Syrians from murdering their own, would cause Hezbollah would pack up their 50,000 or so missiles in Southern Lebanon, or the Ayatollahs to sing in the sunshine?
Pressuring Israel into an indefensible so-called “peace agreement” with a corrupt dictatorial Palestinian leadership that does not even accept the Jewish State’s right to exist is ludicrous.
Based on Obama’s record, you can bet Iran’s November 24th nuclear negotiations deadline will come and go too, paving the way for a loosening of sanctions and eventual acquisition of nuclear weapons by the Ayatollahs. This frightening scenario can only be effectively stopped by one country on earth. Mr. Obama repeatedly promised he would never allow Iran to get the bomb. He also promised if you liked your doctor, you could keep your doctor.
I can just imagine the despotic leaders of the world clicking their glasses to this Administration’s wrong-headiness on virtually every foreign policy issue, especially those that directly threaten our freedom and security. The dangers are real and growing. Keep that pickax close.
William Pollack, based in Memphis, TN is a freelance writer and small business owner of radio, TV stations and movie theaters throughout the United States. whpollack@gmail.com