Maiyan Karidi
Everything is connected הכול קשור

October 7th, day of the inconceivable

The morning of Shabbat October 7th, will forever be a deep scar, carved into our collective consciousness. There are no words that come even close to describing the emotional turmoil and absolutely gut-wrenching events that keep so violently unfolding since then. The shock, the trauma, and numbness and paralysis, the hysteria, the catatonic state. We are all suspended in a black cloud of sorrow, despair, anger and still…..determination to exist, to live and to fight for the right to exist.

For lack of words, I paint………….

 The children ……..

About the Author
An artist and writer. Studied art at Ruth Prowse Art School in Cape Town and Anthropology, Linguistics and Hebrew at the University of South Africa. Made Aliya and lived in Israel for 11 years. Trained in mosaic restoration. Lived off-grid in rural South Africa with young kids for 9 years before working on arts and cultural projects in Mauritius, Israel and Fiji. Published numerous short stories about our surreal adventures. Returned to Israel in 2022 and incredibly happy to be home. My mission is to combine my paintings and writing into a collective work which tells the unusual stories and extraordinary situations we survived while maintaining our Jewish identity.