OHEL and the tzibur are truly impoverished by the passing of our angel of mercy, Mrs Miriam Lubling a”h
Miriam Lubling’s famous phone may be silent but the sound of her compassion and chasadim ring the world over. Indefatigable.
Indefatigable. A Giant of Chesed. A Warrior. A Sprinter Never Stopping to Rest. An OHEL Board Member.
“I take care.”
With those three simple words Mrs Miriam Lubling enveloped the sick, rescheduled surgeries of world famous oncologists, neurosurgeons and orthopedists in a world renowned hospital all the while answering her phone to help yet another choleh.
Many have tried to describe Mrs Lubling in a word or phrase. Moishe Hellman, President of OHEL often introduced her as the Angel of Mercy, coined by Rabbi Moshe Sherer z’l.
I once accompanied Mrs Lubling on her infamous rounds at NYU Hospital.
In addition to visiting innumerable sick people with a smile and words of encouragement she stopped by every secretary of every doctor she knew. From her purse came out a small gift for every secretary. Her secret for getting through when she needed to get an immediate appointment for some stranger. An important lesson in life on dealing with people who are not famous.
Her OHEL stories are storied.
A young girl who had several complex facial reconstructive surgeries at NYU all arranged by, cared for, loved and nurtured by Mrs Lubling.
A prominent philanthropist who said “I donate wherever Mrs. Lubling tells me to, because she is Mrs Lubling”.
With 30 busy businessmen at a meeting discussing important communal issues whose cellphone rings loudest and most often, Mrs Lubling. A slight woman in total command of the space she occupied.
So many thousands confronted by ill health, from NY to Yerushalyim have through Mrs. Lubling, lived another day, treasured more time with a beloved spouse, and been afforded the priceless time to walk their child to the chupah.
We can all continue to do mitzvos and give tzeddaka thanks to Mrs Miriam Lubling.
How many amongst us can lay claim to that.
Mrs. Lubling and I spoke to each other in Ivrit, Yiddish and English. Not every word was clearly understood but the meaning was always clear. How are the kinderlech at OHEL she asked? How is the Dinner going?
She was a consummate fundraiser.
A warrior. A sprinter never stopping to rest.
I too was a beneficiary of Mrs Lubling’s largesse. Mrs Lubling can I please have an appontment with… I need a bed for…
“Duvidl, I take care”.
Mrs Miriam Lubling’s famous phone may be silent but the sound of her compassion and chasadim ring the world over.
Mrs Lubling has left this world a much better place. Hashem must be very happy with her.