Elaine Rosenberg Miller

Other Impeachment Suggestions

Democrats are in an impeachment frenzy. They want to impeach a president who is no longer in office. These are the people whom loudspeakers used to address with repeated “Elvis has left the building!” announcements.
The impeachment provision of United States Constitution refers to removal from office of “the” president. That means the president in office. but it doesn’t matter to Democrats.
If Democrats continue to pursue their unsupported interpretation of the constitution,  all presidents may be at risk of being impeached, whether living or dead, including he following:.
-Obama for putting gold striped wallpaper in the Oval Office making it look like the parlor of a New Orleans brothel 
-LBJ for picking up his beagles by their ears
-FDR for serving hot dogs to the King and Queen of England when they visited his estate in Hyde Park, NY
-Lincoln for creating Thanksgiving leading to widespread turkey slaughter
-Coolidge for cultural appropriation in wearing an eagle feather Indian headdress
-Teddy Roosevelt for establishing the American Museum of Natural History and creating a worldwide plague of plastic dinosaur reproductions
It won’t end with Orange Man Bad, Demsters.
You need to re-think this.
About the Author
Elaine Rosenberg Miller writes fiction and non-fiction. Her work has appeared in numerous print publications and online sites, domestically and abroad, including JUDISCHE RUNDSCHAU, THE BANGALORE REVIEW, THE FORWARD, THE HUFFINGTON POST and THE JEWISH PRESS. Her books,, FISHING IN THE INTERCOASTAL AND OTHER SHORT STORIES, THE CHINESE JEW. THE TRUST and PALMBEACHTOWN are available on Amazon and Kindle.
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