Kyle Zaldin

Our Homeland is Under Attack


According to the Israel Defense Forces, more than 200 projectiles were fired at Israel, triggering sirens in Israeli communities close to the Gaza Strip, in the city of Beersheba and even as far away as the Dead Sea and the West Bank’s Hebron Hills. These horrific attacks one after the other, after the other, are a result of a hatred for the Jewish people and the State of Israel that spans farther than simply 1948 or 1967. Hamas has proven time and time again that they do not care about coexistence. They have told Palestinians seeking violence time and time again not to rest until the Jewish state is annihilated. Yet, the world stays silent. The international community refuses to denounce these heinous acts that target civilians. And we’re all just waiting for the United Nations to pass a resolution saying Israel is to blame.

So what can we do? Regardless of where we are, whether in the Diaspora or in Israel, take some time to reflect and then act. Maybe say a few Perakim of Tehillim, or pray in a way that is meaningful to you. Maybe go out in your IDF sweatshirt, or fly an Israeli flag. Or you can try to educate your colleagues and acquaintances what’s really going on, and why it matters to you that they know the truth. Perhaps, even just get together with a bunch of your friends and talk about what Judaism and Israel mean to you. Whatever you do, do something. Take action. Be a voice for our nation and our people, because one thing’s for sure, when the Jewish people are united as one, working to defend ourselves in any way we can, Hamas, and the rest of the world can’t stop us.

About the Author
Kyle Zaldin is a teenage Jewish writer from Thornhill, Ontario. Immersed in the Jewish Day School system since kindergarten at Associated Hebrew Schools, and now at TanenbaumCHAT, Jewish education has always been a big part of Kyle's life. A member of the NCSY Student Executive Board in Toronto, as well as the Aish Thornhill Community Shul, Kyle has continuously used his Jewish values to inspire others. Having grown up in a Conservative Shul until shortly after Bar Mitzvah, and later becoming more observant, he writes and delivers talks, speeches, and other Divrei Torah for Shul and other organizations with the goal of bringing the Jewish people together, regardless of levels of observance and prior knowledge.
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