Overcoming Information Overload
I am in Israel. I feel free to be me. My kids are thriving. There is a direct line to everything in Jerusalem. Miracle after miracle. I feel blessed. I feel happy and excited for transformation, renewal and rebirth. I feel like a vessel that is ready to achieve its highest purpose in this world.
What you just read is how my mind works. Always looking at pros versus cons, and seeing the positive in every outcome. It is interesting to me how some people are maybe more sensitive or not necessarily negative but realists. I have heard the phrase toxic positivity, but it does not make sense to me. The only way something would be toxic, is if the person was saying something was positive, but inside they did not really feel that way. Toxic is an interesting word, a friend once said that it sounds like “Talk Sick.” The words that come out of our mouth are very powerful. Thank you Yehudit Garmaise for always inspiring me with deep learning. She shared a thought from the Sefer Chofetz Chaim, “When a person sullies their tongue with forbidden words, they prevent any holy words they subsequently utter from ascending.”
Words could overwhelm us, especially with everything going on in the world. There is media, social media and random people posting what they know nothing about. I am so grateful for all the powerful Jewish voices and allies online, that I share non stop to spread truth.
How do we overcome information overload? Even with my faith, trust and positive view of the world, I am glued to news about the hostages, my community in Los Angeles as well as keeping up with friends and family. I really have to talk myself down from jumping online first thing in the morning, and try not to constantly check for updates. It is so wild that I grew up without 24 hour access to news and social media. In my weekly Rambam class, Rabbi Levi Diamond of Chabad of Rehavia was explaining how now with AI everything, it is hard to tell what is reality. The only reality and truth that will remain always is Torah.
I would say information overload is one of my biggest challenges. Prayer and meditation are a must. It will get you present and away from yesterday and tomorrow. Make it a point to be fully present with your friends, family and children. Usually I talk about giving ourselves our undivided attention that we deserve, but it is also important to be give our all to the ones we are with. Maybe give yourself a schedule and time limit to browse, and find what you enjoy to fill your day.
One of my favorite things about Jerusalem is that people are always hanging out, talking to each other and on the move. It is a city of action, not only horizontal but vertical. Keep your source connection strong, talk to Hashem and trust that your gut instinct will not lead you astray.
Wishing everyone peace of mind,
Just keep looking and you will find.
What makes you tick and feel your best,
What helps you shake and shed the stress.
Information Overload is no joke,
We must protect ourselves from fire and smoke.
Talk to God and connect deep inside,
Live your purpose, share your light and thrive.