Painting a picture
Here’s a painting, with many different aspects to it, yet with a common theme.
There are many shades of red, blue, and every other colour. There are happy and sad colours. And they are all interconnected.
Here’s the painting.
Hostages come home slowly, a nation licks it wounds; trying to find comfort, while at the same time trying to win a war; trying to survive as a nation, psychologically and physically.
America is losing its wokeness. People are realizing the unattractiveness of an extreme left-wing approach. America is finding sanity again, and it’s finding G-d again.
Antisemitism worldwide. Some places excel more than others, but antisemitism has its limits. When the world sees that Israel stands up to it and defeats evil enemies, then antisemitism dissipates.
After October 7 Hamas smelled victory. Now they see defeat.
Potential wars — the US and Europe against China, Russia, and Iran. Actual war between Ukraine and Russia, and between Israel and its attackers. And just about every country harassing the other.
In Europe there is inner strife between radical Muslim immigrants and old Europe — very similar to what’s happening in the United States between left and the right. In the United States the extreme left is losing. In Europe things are playing out, between the right, the left, and the Muslims. The right used to be more radical, even Nazi-like, but now they are often pro-Israel, as they focus on the threat of radical Muslim immigrants. The secular left is a remnant of Napoleon‘s Enlightenment. The Muslims bring religious fervour, sometimes radical.
A splash of optimistic colour permeates the painting. Something profound is happening in the world: people are becoming more aware, more in tune to G-d‘s presence.
When Trump moved his head at the exact moment, at the exact right angle, and the bullet grazed his ear, the world took notice. When the Syrian regime fell in a little over a week, attacked by a ragtag rebel group, the world noticed. When Hezbollah fell like flies, the world noticed. When Iranian projectiles were neutralized and their air defence was blown away, the world noticed.
Two things are happening simultaneously: an awareness of G-d’s presence in the world, and miraculous events that are creating a new and improved world. And the two are connected.
The revelation of G-d as Master of the world, defeats those who are against G-d, and consequently defeats those who are against a peaceful humanity. Anti-G-dliness and anti-Israelness is weakening. Anti-sanity is falling down. Spiritual awakening and revelation are leading to a more peaceful world, a world that functions for the good of mankind, as nations recognize that G-d is the source of the world‘s blessing.
When the world is in tune to G-d, we create channels which are open to receiving G-d‘s blessings, and then the forces opposed to goodness disappear. When the world realizes that G-d is One with everything, and people realize the importance of ensuring that their values align with what G-d wants, then destructive forces disappear, because the world rejects them.
The spiritual affects the physical. By accepting G-d’s will, we create a G-dly world, a world of peace and happiness and prosperity for all.
And very soon, the painting will be complete, as Redemption with Moshiach illuminates the picture with goodness, kindness, and a strong awareness of G-d.
May it happen very soon.