Potted Pol Packs A Pistol

The Jewish population of Nashville, TN, has more than doubled since 2000 to approximately 10,000.  And if any of them were on the streets of their city last Tuesday night, October 11, near Vanderbilt University, for some last minute pre-Sukkot shopping they were at potential risk along with all other residents of the city.

The threat came from state Rep. Curry Todd (R), who was arrested about 11:15 pm for DUI and possession of a loaded Smith & Wesson .38 Special while under the influence.  And he was reportedly going 60 in a 40 mph zone. Now drunken politicians getting arrested is not unusual — at least not unusual enough — but while packing a sidearm?  What makes the story so interesting is that Todd is the author of the state law that allows carrying a gun into a bar or restaurant as long as you don't drink. He is also chairman of the legislature's Firearms Task Force to protect Second Amendment rights.

Police said Todd could barely stand up when he was stopped, although he claimed he'd only had a couple of drinks (isn't that what they all say?). 

With so many politicians preaching about high moral standards and the sanctity of the Second Amendment, and with folks like Curry Todd passing laws to make it legal to carry a loaded gun into a bar, it is understandable that citizens are losing faith in their lawmakers, especially when they turn out to be lawbreakers. 

During the debate on his guns-in-bars bill, he said no responsible handgun owner would drink and carry. 

Todd is state chairman of the American Legislative Exchange Council, which is funded by the Koch Brothers, who also are major funders of the Tea Party movement.

Read why the Newark, NJ, Star-Ledger called Todd "Knucklehead of the Week" and then check out his mug shot of this upstanding pillar of his community and state at Nashvillescene.com.


About the Author
Douglas M. Bloomfield is a syndicated columnist, Washington lobbyist and consultant. He spent nine years as the legislative director and chief lobbyist for AIPAC.