Jack Molad

Pouring Oil On The Fire

When a fire is raging, the sensible thing to do is pour water to put it out.  However, there is a “fire” raging in Israel which no one is trying to put out. Instead, Israelis are more interested in keeping it going, regardless of the potential danger it creates. Our appointed leaders, from all factions, are responsible for the danger we are in.

There are many elements of this fire, spanning the internal and external arenas. The coalition is trying to push through its legislation for judicial reform, while the courts and opposition are looking to postpone, hoping the initiative will simmer down. In truth, leaders of the opposition will not settle for anything short of toppling the current government. Leaders of the far left are openly urging protesters to keep fighting at all costs, pushing closer towards a civil confrontation. The “Brothers in arms” faction is even calling for physical force against the authorities. Meanwhile, leaders on the far right are pushing for a total occupation of Judea and Samaria (The West Bank). Ben Gvir, the foremost speaker of the settlers, is engaged in threatening declarations which aggravate both Israelis and Arabs and may even be contributing to the rise in recent terror attacks. Not to mention the confrontations deepening between religious and secular Israelis, which the country can ill afford.

But alas our leadership has kept the flames burning, without much regard for the short- or long-term consequences. Netanyahu has focused his attention on his trip abroad, where his diplomatic strength lies, but has done little to harness the problems at his own doorstep. On the opposition, Lapid and Gentz keep blaming the government for failures on all accounts, which is endangering the integrity of our government both now and in the future. Our president, perhaps the only one aware of the fire and its dangers, is doing all he can to promote cool heads to prevail and meet in the middle, though he may be in over his head.

The world media and papers have been following Israel’s protests for a while now. Diaspora Jewish communities are choosing sides and engaging in heated debates about Israel. It almost seems like the protests and instability happening in Israel is being emulated by communities across the world.

It certainly appears that logic and reason are taking a back seat to stubbornness on all sides. If we want the fire to go out, that must change.

Jack Molad

About the Author
Jack Molad was born in Tel Aviv in 1930 during the British Mandate period and fought with the Haganah. Jack set out for the United States to spread Israeli tradition to Jews in the US. He achieved a masters degree at Saint Louis University and established Hebrew programs for traditional Jewish youth in Saint Louis, Omaha, and Dallas. Jack also founded and led Teen Tours, a summer program in Israel for traditional Jewish teens to experience Israel. Jack returned to Jerusalem in 2021, where he resides with many of his children and grandchildren.
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