Reasons for voting Leave in the referendum …
Here are some genuine reasons people gave for voting Leave:
Afghanistan was going to be joining the EU
Because Tony Blair wants us to stay in
Turkey was joining the EU
They have to give halal food to muslims in prisons because of the EU.
The EU is corrupt, the French are okay in France, the bleedin’ Poles chuck their beer cans in me front garden, I didn’t vote to join the EU, if you don’t like it you can have another referendum in 43 years to decide – that’s how long I’ve had to wait! Dreams do come true.
We’ve got our country back
I voted Leave because we will have to stop being a Monarchy if we stay in the EU
I voted leave because I didn’t have time to read up on both sides and the leave argument was easier to understand quickly
Because they (the EU) removed the lead out of white paint and now it goes yellow after a couple of years. Bleedin’ cheek
Might be able to get more duty free cigarettes
I want to bring manufacturing back to the UK and I want to see my doctor at the GP’S and not just any doctor
I wasn’t really sure but thought, let’s go for it!
Because my Grandad said to vote Leave because he didn’t want to go vote himself
I did eeny meeny miney mo at the polling station
To see the look on Cameron’s face
Because the bankers and the global elite want us to stay
Because we’ve had enough of experts
I don’t want to be part of a European Superstate
The UK only has one vote and is always outvoted by 27 other countries
Policy is decided by unelected bureacrats
Why should we be dominated by Germany after we won the War
Economists were wrong about joining the euro and failed to predict the 2008 crisis so how can we believe them now
Economists are only commentators
The experts are only saying that because they’re being paid to do so by the government
Both sides are lying so I am following my gut instinct
They banned high pitched whistles
White paint doesn’t stay white anymore
The EU puts rules on how we grow vegetables
To keep the queen safe
I don’t know how to vote but I feel like a change
So we won’t have the Belgian police knocking on our doors
I’m voting leave but it doesn’t matter because my husband is voting remain so they cancel each other out
Because the EU has banned Easter eggs and because it is planning to ban homeopathic medicine
Polish people eat swans
Because we don’t get our potholes fixed in the roads anymore
My daughter needed repeat antibiotics for an ingrown toenail and they made her see the nurse instead of the doctor. This is because of immigration.
Europe is a Satanic institution and God is losing his divine patience with it.
To get our country back
Because they only collect our bins every two weeks now and I want weekly collections back
Because there are too many Africans
Because I bloody hate football
Because they’re letting Turkey in – and Afghanistan and Syria and we don’t have room if all of them come here
Because when they come here they either steal our jobs or our benefits and most of them do both
I don’t want Shariah law
I don’t want to have to wear a burka
Because the weather is getting worse and worse over here, they’re keeping all the nice weather in the South of France
Because our trains are screwed up and coming out of Europe will stop that from happening
Because of French air traffic control strikes
So that England won’t be in the Euros again (football). My boyfriend spends too much time watching football
Well a least we can go back to feet and inches now
Nobody is going to tell me what kind of kettle I can use
Because of Muslims
Nobody is going to tell me what kind of kettle I can use
Because of Muslims
The EU was responsible for the Bedroom Tax.
Because Merkel doesn’t dress very nicely
We wanted to cause a house price crash so that we could afford to buy property
The EU won’t import New Zealand lamb chops
Because Britain is an island and isn’t even connected to Europe
Leaving will bring new factories and a new hospital to my area
Because I can’t understand this centimeters thing and if we go out of EU we can finally have our inches back
A change is as good as a rest
My cat repellant used to be called Lion Poo — but the EU changed the name
A Romanian woman had shouted at me in the petrol station
The whole ethos of the EU is to appease Islamism