Meir Feldman
Reclaiming Zionism, the word and the wonder

Reform Jews: Bring Light – Speak The Quiet Things

Day 1 Hanukkah Letter to Reform Jews

As a Reform rabbi in America for 20 years, I write from Jerusalem to my Reform colleagues and to Reform Jews with great humility.  You are on the front lines of an existential war. Whether it’s our young professional children or those in university and graduate school, or even our kids in elementary and high school – they are absorbing a tsunami-sized attack from colleagues, teachers, fellow students, friends and peers.  “Anti-Zionism is now the most  respectable way of attacking Jews. The answer to anti-Zionism is – Zionism.”  (Thank you Einat Wilf, for this insight.)

History is revealing that October 7, 2023 was not more grotesque or barbaric than the Hebron Massacre of August 24, 1929.  But for post-Holocaust American Jews, “October 8” was possibly worse than October 7.  Public expressions of support for Hamas and hatred toward Jews on the streets of America, leave Jews feeling more confused, insecure, and more cautious as Americans, than anytime in the last 75 years.  In our lifetimes, the most dangerous and destructive attack on our children’s Jewish identity is well under way.  Are we witnessing a fundamental change in what it means to be Jews in America? I believe that Einat Wilf is right.  The answer to anti-Zionism is – Zionism!  Reform Movement, now is the time for Reclaiming Zionism, the word and the wonder.

Reclaiming Zionism & Acknowledging Palestinianism

Reclaiming Zionism is a profound priority of this Hanukkah moment.  On this Hanukkah – Judah Maccabee is whispering to Reform Jews. Speak out. Say the quiet things out loud.  And don’t stop.  There is only one reason that no Palestinian state exists.  That reason is not Zionism.  It’s not Bibi, the West Bank or the IDF.  The reason is simple.  The sole cause of Palestinianism is the rejection of the Jewish right to self-determination, the elimination of Jewish sovereignty.   

The Sole Cause of Palestinianism

Palestine is not a powerhouse South Korea, or a thriving Singapore on the Mediterranean today because Palestinian statehood has never been the goal of Palestinians.  The West has been terribly mistaken (or intentionally blind) to Arab/Palestinian motivations for the last 77 years.  Here is how British Foreign Secretary Ernest Bevins stated it on February 18, 1947, long before Netanyahu and Ben Gvir came along, long before West Bank settlements and long before an occupation.  From Dr. Einat Wilf’s must-read book, The War of Return,  

“His Majesty’s government has been faced with an irreconcilable conflict of principles. . .  For the Jews, the essential point of principle is the creation of a sovereign Jewish state. For the Arabs, the essential point of principle is to resist to the last the establishment of Jewish sovereignty in any part of Palestine. . . There is no prospect of resolving this conflict by any settlement negotiated between the parties.”

After the fall of the Ottoman Empire in 1917, the Palestinians had one and only one cause – to prevent the British Mandate from advancing Jewish sovereignty.  That purpose failed on November 29, 1947, with UN Resolution 181, affirming the establishment of an Arab state and a Jewish state.  And since November 30, 1947, the sole Palestinian cause has been to destroy Jewish sovereignty, either through ongoing wars or their public attacks Jews, Judaism and Israel.  We’re all too aware of their Soviet-inspired campaign – Zionism equals racism, colonialism, imperialism, naziism, ethnic cleansing and genocide – or just – Jews drink the blood of gentile babies. 

Knowing The Definition of Zionism

Reform rabbis, over the decades we have barely played defense, much less offense against the ideology called Palestinianism.  How can we defeat their efforts to poison a sacred, 3000 year pillar of Jewish identity?  What can we do to build and reinforce our childrens’ relationship with Zionism, to reclaim Zionism, the word and the wonder?  As they are destroying Zionism with words, a simple place to start is for every Reform Jew to master the definition of Zionism. 

“Zionism is the right of the Jewish people, like every other people, to self-determination, to sovereignty in our ancestral home.”  How many reform Jews know the definition?  Might we launch a movement-wide effort – to help every Reform Jew to learn the definition of Zionism?  Might this be a goal of this year’s Yom HaAtzmaut preparations?

The One-Question Test of Zionism & Palestinianism 

Beyond the definition of Zionism, let’s master one question.  Encourage every Reform Jew to master, to be laser-focused on one question of pro-Palestinian, anti-Israel critics of Zionism. What do Palestinians seek?  Supporters of Palestinians (of which I am one), do you seek a state next to the Jewish state of Israel, or, instead of the Jewish state of Israel? 

Every Reform Jew should master this question and the definition of Zionism.  This question is critical for every interfaith program we support or engage in and for every individual invested in peace between Israelis and Palestinians.  For over 75 years, the evidence seems clear – what Palestinians seek is a state “instead of, not next to the Jewish state.”  Of course we Zionists want nothing more than to be wrong.  But the burden of proof is not upon us – it’s upon them.  (Thank you Dr. Wilf.)

Be Prepared For The Palestinian Demand – “Justice”

Reform Jews, we must be prepared for the answer we will likely hear from our Muslim, Palestinian colleagues.  “What do we Palestinians want?  We simply demand justice. That’s all.”  But Reform Jews – please do not be silent.  Press on with your question!  “Yes, but what does that ‘justice’ of yours look like?  Does your ‘justice’ mean a Palestinian state next to Israel, or . . . instead of the Jewish state of Israel?”

Reform Jews, one little light of Hanukkah can dispel so much darkness.  When God said, “Let there be light,” God was telling us – “Human beings, you too must bring light.  Bringing light begins by saying the quiet things out loud.  Let there be light was God’s request of us.”

Tomorrow’s Hanukkah message #2 – “What is the Palestinian ‘justice’ that they demand?  Is their ‘justice’ that Israel must accept 6 million grandchildren of Palestinian refugees?  Reform Jews – are we good with that? 

Chag urim sameach – may we all bask in the glow of the Hanukkah lights.



About the Author
I served as a congregational rabbi for over 20 years. With my wife, Rabbi Tara Feldman, we were the co-senior rabbis of Temple Beth-El of Great Neck, New York for 13 years. In 2022, we left Great Neck to make aliyah and to be with our 2 children, now beautiful, young adults with excellent Hebrew and a perfect Israeli accent. "Zionism is now the acceptable form of Jew-hatred, of anti-semitism," says Einat Wilf. Reform youth in America are ground zero for the intense effort to poison our children's minds about Zionism, Israel and their Jewish identity. Reclaiming Zionism, the word and the wonder . . . Now is the time . . .