Reform Jews: Palestinian ‘Justice’ means what?
Day 2 Hanukkah Letter to Reform Jews in America
On this 2d day of Hanukkah, I hope we are working on a vision for deepening Reform Jews’ love of Zionism. A small vision is evolving. First, Reform Jews commit ourselves to mastering the simple and profound definition of Zionism. ‘Zionism is the right of the Jewish people, like all other peoples, to self-determination, to sovereignty in our ancestral homeland.’
Second, we emblazon in our memory one laser-focused question that we always ask supporters of Palestinians and critics/haters of Israel. Do you, supporter of Palestinians, seek a state next to the Jewish state of Israel, or, instead of the Jewish state of Israel?
Third, we listen carefully to their answer, which will sound something like: “We Palestinians demand ‘justice’.” This is the common response of liberal, thoughtful Palestinian advocates and of outright haters of Israel as well. “Justice. We seek justice.” So simple, so short, so clear. Who could disagree? And we Reform Jews of course celebrate demands for justice. “Tzedek, tzedek tirdof”. Justice, justice you shall pursue,” we are commanded in Deut. 16:20.
And although their answer may sound appealing, at least at first blush, we commit ourselves to a a very serious follow-up question. “But Palestinians, please explain – what does this ‘justice’ look like? Is it a Palestinian state next to the Jewish state of Israel or . . . instead of the Jewish state of Israel?”
The “Justice” of Palestinianism – 6 Million Refugees
For decades they have told us what “justice” means. Millions of “Palestinian refugees” have what they call a ‘universal right of return’ to their grandma’s home – to the State of Israel. (I urge everyone to read Einat Wilf’s book, The War of Return.) Reform Jews, please do not assume that this ‘universal right of return’ is real, that such a “right” actually exists or has ever been recognized under international law.
The “right” they describe is a manufactured, fabricated, imaginary legal claim, never available to any other peoples or refugees. I will explain why, but let’s first ask: Are we, Reform Jews, ok with 6 million descendants of Palestinians making Jewish Israel their home? Einat Wilf urges us to understand: this is the central issue. This is not a marginal issue.
Let’s be crystal clear about this Palestinian claim of “justice”:
- the descendants (children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren) of Arabs who fled their homes during the War of Independence (Nakhba) in 1948 are “refugees” (about 700,000);
- these “descendant-refugees” possess a universal ‘right of return’ to grandma’s 1948 home, part of Israel for more than 75 years;
- in 2024, more than six million “descendant-refugees” have a purported “right of return” to their grandmas’ 1948 homes; and,
- their Palestinian grandmas’ homes were stolen from them by the wicked Israelis, by Jewish thieves, in the War of Independence (or Six-Day War).
I’ll address these claims one at a time, in reverse order. But first, as an aside, let’s be clear what this Palestinian notion of ‘justice’ does not mean.
This Palestinian “justice” does not apply to the 800,000 Middle Eastern Jewish refugees who fled, who were ethnically cleansed from their homes and communities in Iraq, Morocco, Syria, Yemen, Egypt etc. This Palestinian “justice” does not mean that millions of Jewish grandchildren mostly in Israel get to return to grandma’s Middle Eastern home – a home that they’ve never in their lives seen or visited; or, that the Arab mobs in the Middle East who stole our Jewish grandmas’ homes are robbers or thieves (although of course they are).
Palestinianism: Losing In War = Grandma’s Home Was Stolen
What about the Palestinian grandmas who sadly and tragically fled their homes in 1948? Neither international law nor human logic say that a people who rejects partition and peace and then loses their homes in war are the victims of theft. It’s silly and shameful that Western elites humor such an idea.
After the 1947 UN vote to create an Arab and a Jewish state, Palestinians lost two wars, the 1948 War of Independence (Nakhba) and then the Six Day War in June 1967 (and the 1973 Yom Kippur War). Let’s remember Ernest Bevins, Britain’s Foreign Secretary, who told us about “Palestinianism” back in February, 1947, when Palestinian ideology was just beginning to crystallize. (From Hanukkah Day #1.) Describing the mentality of Palestinians long before there were Israeli settlements and checkpoints, long before anyone was thinking about the Jewish or Palestinian capital of Israel, long before PM Netanyahu and Ben Gvir and occupation, Ernest Bevins wrote this:
“His Majesty’s government has been faced with an irreconcilable conflict of principles. . . For the Jews, the essential point of principle is the creation of a sovereign Jewish state. For the Arabs, the essential point of principle is to resist to the last, the establishment of Jewish sovereignty in any part of Palestine. . . There is no prospect of resolving this conflict by any settlement negotiated between the parties.”
Fast forward many decades, it’s stunning how correct Bevins was. He understood in 1947 the heart, the essence of Palestinianism. Starting a war, losing that war and your home in the process, did not conquer their ideology. Rather than accepting their losses in war, like 50 million other refugees around the globe, Palestinians imagine themselves victims of a grand theft by the Jews, of terrible Jewish “injustice”. It doesn’t seem to occur to them that they lost grandma’s home because they chose hatred and war over partition, peace and prosperity.
Abba Eban was mistaken. Palestinians did not always, “miss a chance to miss a chance.” Rather, the ideology called Palestinianism has only ever had one goal – to deny the Jewish people their right to self-determination – either by war or any other means. The ideology of Palestinianism has always had one cause — “by all means necessary” to prevent or destroy the Jewish people’s right to self-determination, a right granted to every other people.
Peace or War – Applying International Law or Not?
Reform Jews, as a former lawyer/federal prosecutor, I say to all of you young, aspiring lawyers, please understand this. The international laws and standards governing refugees have brought peace and progress to Europe and to continents all over the world. Without these laws, Europe would have suffered war after war after war. The single biggest reason that Israelis and Palestinians have faced 75 years of war is because the international standards and laws governing refugees have never been applied to Palestinians and Jews. “Wars end when one party loses. War must end for peace to begin.” (I’m channeling Dr. Einat Wilf again.) History proves that ceasefires are not an end to war, but a guarantee to Palestinians, that another war can begin – very soon.
Since WWII, the wisdom of international law has enabled many tens of millions of refugees to start over, to build productive lives. As Dr. Wilf has explained, the message was clear. ‘Rebuild, take responsibility for your lives. Stop being victims, become contributors to the well-being of the world. Build for your children a future of hope and prosperity.’
Palestinianism & 2-State Solution
Let’s say the quiet thing out loud. Palestinianism advocates multiple ways to eliminate Jewish sovereignty – by means of October 7 invasions from Hamas and Hezbollah, by Iranian or Houthi cruise missiles, or by the big lie that 6 million “descendant-refugees” possess a ‘right of return’ to its enemy state – Israel.
By flooding Israel with 6 million descendant-refugees, Palestinians can get both states of the UN’s 2-state solution. To that, Palestinians will finally say “yes” – to the Arab state that the UN offered on November 29, 1947 (Gaza and West Bank) and also to the Jewish state of Israel that will be devoured by 6 million Palestinians who automatically will eliminate the world’s one and only Jewish state: Two-state solution = 2 Palestinian states.
Reform Jews, let’s consider several questions. How might we debate, with way more seriousness, the claim that Palestinian “justice” hijacks the laws that have brought peace to whole continents – and guarantees that war with Israel will continue? How might we become serious students who work hard to analyze if: 5.7 million Palestinians are “refugees” – or not, if 5.7 million Palestinians have a “right of return” – or not?
For me, a few things are clear. Losing wars is not the same as having grandma’s home stolen by the evil-Jews. The evil-Jews don’t drink the blood of non-Jewish babies. Palestinians have no “right of return” and it seems very likely that the state they seek is “not next to the Jewish state of Israel, but rather, instead of the Jewish state of Israel.”
Reclaiming Zionism – 5-Step Plan
Reform Jews, let’s consider a multi-step plan that will inspire and empower our Gen Zrs. Let’s implement a movement-wide, 5-Step Plan with all of our young people and all the members of our communities.
- Master the definition of Zionism;
- Commit ourselves to the question – “do Palestinians seek a state next to or instead of the Jewish state?
- Be prepared for their response -“We simply demand justice” –
- Have the courage to ask, “Please describe this ‘Justice’ – is it a state a state next to or instead of the Jewish state?
- Become ambassadors to others – ambassadors who can explain with love and passion that millions of Palestinian grandchildren, like 10s of other ‘refugee-grandchildren’ have no legitimate, no legal “right of return”.
Hanukkah is a time for the courage to speak and a trust in the power of our words. Just as God’s 4 words “Let there be light” could bring light into the world, so too can our words. That is God’s call every time we light our Hanukkah candles.
Tomorrow, Hanukkah day #3 – Reform Jews in America, what about the claim that “Hamas is an idea and you can’t kill an idea…”? Do you agree or disagree? Come back tomorrow – Hanukkah day #3.