Zelda Harris
Five on the 100 aliyah from UK list!

Road deaths on the rise again!

Appalling, devastating, soul destroying.

Sadly I have watched too many dear ones die, but fortunately our family has not been inflicted with the unspeakable outcome of a road accident. Although beloved cousins in the UK were killed by an angry driver who went up on the pavement and drove his car into them. For 15 years I worked together with a fabulous team which included Scientists, Physicists, Mass casualty doctors and Civil Engineers, not forgetting relatives of those who had been killed and injured on the roads. Together,we endeavored to bring to public attention the need for the education of young people, who were close to receiving a license to drive!

Due to unfortunate circumstances our organization was forced to close down. However not before Road Bumps and Roundabouts were installed and seat belts on children’s buses. However OR YAROK, whom to their benefit actually could had taken us over at the time, decided against it. They had no financial problem.
Former recent Ministers of Transport Katz and Regev are/were blissfully unaware that there was indeed a problem. So now there’s a rise in deaths and casualties and unlike the old days when Shimon Vilnai announced on Radio, every Friday at noon how many had been killed and injured, no one does and worse, NOONE SEEMS TO CARE!. If its not Corona its not news!

So I appeal to the wisdom and intelligence of the present Minister Merav Michaeli, to change the situation. Instead of thinking as Katz did about how much money could be earned rather how many lives can be saved and severe injuries be avoided. No one ever thinks of what the families of victims suffer on a day to day basis as long as they live! Or the cost to the economy.

We all need to take responsibility.

About the Author
Zelda Harris first came to Israel 1949, aged 18. After living through the hardships of the nascent state, she returned to England in 1966. She was a founding member of the Women's Campaign for Soviet Jewry. In 1978, she returned with her family to Israel and has been active in various spheres of Israeli Society since. Together with the late Chaim Herzog, she founded CCC for Electoral Reform, was the Director of BIPAC in Israel, and a co-founder of Metuna, the Organisation for Road Safety, which received the Speaker of Knesset Quality of Life Award for saving lives on the roads and prevention of serious injury. She is now a peace activist, blogger for Times of Israel and is writing her life story.