Yoseph Janowski
By the Grace of G-d

Root causes

Sometimes, as we try to pinpoint causes, we miss the main original causes of things.

What caused October 7? What caused the assassination attempt on Trump? What has caused mass shootings in the U.S.?

When it comes to October 7, many point to faulty intelligence. But was there something else, something that enabled October 7 to be possible?

When it comes to the assassination attempt, many point to lapses in security. But was there something else, a root cause?

Mass shootings are often attributed to psychological issues etc. But is there something else, something basic that enables it to happen?

The Lubavitcher Rebbe spoke many times about the danger of Israel giving away land, because it can open the land to the enemy. We now see proof that the Rebbe was right. Giving away Gaza is what enabled and allowed Hamas to build tunnels and forces, and then to attack on October 7. As the land opened up before them, it could have been much worse, G-d forbid. The lesson is clear — Israel must never again give away land.

Regarding crime in America, the Rebbe explained that when you want to pinpoint a cause, you ask, “What changed?” Crime began to dramatically rise in the early 60’s. What change happened, something that could have caused this? The Rebbe answered, that in the early 60’s, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that G-d should no longer be mentioned (in the pledge of allegiance) in public schools. That change caused the rise in crime. Because when children aren’t aware of G-d, Who guides our lives, and Who sees and hears everything, it removes a strong incentive to be good upright citizens. Because if they don’t know about G-d, then the only thing preventing them from committing a crime, is a policeman. And if they think that they can outwit the policeman, then there is no strong motivation to prevent them from harming others.

The Rebbe proposed a solution: to institute a daily moment of silence in public schools; and to then publicize in newspapers and similar venues, that parents can tell their children what to think about during the silent moment, beginning with that there is One above who conducts the life of the child and the child’s family and friends. This provides motivation for children to behave properly, and to grow up as responsible and good members of society.

So when we try to determine causes, in order to prevent future tragedies, we need to ascertain the root cause.

What was the main cause of October 7? Giving away land.

What was the main cause for rising crime in the U.S., including mass shootings and assassination attempts? Forbidding the mention of G-d in public schools.

By ascertaining the root cause, we are able to fix things for the future, enabling us to create a peaceful and secure society.

About the Author
The author lives in Toronto, Canada. He has written for