September 11th, 2001 – A Tribute Poem
Thirteen years ago today,
Our American soil ran red with blood,
Several thousand of our people,
Had their lives and dreams turned to mud,
Two hijacked passenger jetliners,
Crossed through our Manhattan sky,
Searching for the Twin Towers,
Seeking to crash, to kill, and die,
The ensuing disaster and it was,
Was perpetrated by egregious hate,
We were demonized for who we were,
By men of terror concerned with their own evil fate,
The two buildings were fully occupied,
With innocents trying to do their thing,
And with youngsters down in day care,
Probably preparing to play and sing,
It was an unimaginable horror,
As the jet fuel spilled creating a fire,
And the structures weakened by the crash,
Began to crumble as the situation grew more dire,
People tried their best to flee,
But the stairwells were often blocked,
There was nowhere at all to go,
As the minutes ticked and tocked,
First responders began to appear,
And valiantly tried as best they could,
But the towers came down so quickly,
That their brave efforts were of little good,
So many died that horrid day,
The towers now a mangled mess,
And what we knew forever shattered,
As our safe world became much less,
A third plane slammed into the Pentagon,
Causing much death and damage there,
While a fourth plane over Pennsylvania was downed,
By brave folks onboard, who refused to scare,
We were attacked on our very own soil,
By a soulless sadistic group of men,
And our lives were forever changed,
By the horrid events of 9/11 then.
~ Me♥
~ dedicated to all of the innocent souls lost that day and in the days to follow, may they all be granted eternal peace. Baruch Hashem
( N.B.: for any new readers, “~ Me♥ ” is my poet’s signature and my words are all original. Please feel free to share, including my note. Thank you. )