Sexism kills; men must be the first to care and to know and stop this
Oppression is a collective mistreatment of segments of a population by oppressive stories, prejudicial ideas, habits and traditions, and laws.
The oppression of X-people is maintained in two ways: 1. By oppressing non-X-people (as young people), and then putting them in a position of agents of the oppression of X-people. And: 2. By X-people on some level succumbing to and believing in the oppressive nonsense (Internalized Oppression), teaching it to their fellow X-people (kids), and by infighting because fights against the oppression seem to have no chance in hell.
The oppressive society is really held up by all groups oppressing almost all the other groups.
Liberation is the movement to counter and uproot oppression by each group in two ways: 1. A. The X-people uniting and using their specific power to make their case, and B. gaining and maintaining allies – former agents of oppression. 2. The non-X-allies, standing with the X-people, A. stopping the attacks and changing the oppressive stories, prejudicial ideas, habits and traditions, and laws, and B. helping them stop the infighting.
Liberation is really helped by all groups being allies to all the others.
Intersectionality is not only that many oppressions overlap and have much in common (dividing people and playing them against each other) but also: being each other’s allies. Make sure to have Jews aboard (the group universally blamed, paraded by the powerful in society as their allies, but in fact held hostage by the rich because the Left in their anti-Semitism have rejected them.)
Often the oppressed are minorities, but not always. And being oppressed by a majority group oppression is no walk in the park either.
Major examples of oppressions of majority groups are: Young people, Women, the Working Class and the world’s majority: non-Whites.
Young People
Adultism is an oppressive system where all young people are misinformed and overpowered by the oppressive society with overworked grown-ups as agents of oppression. Under Adultism, we all learned our place, our place as oppressed and as agents of oppression.
While non-Whites are minorities in some rich countries, let’s not forget that on a world scale, pink humans are a marginal group.
The issue of Racism is not skin color or race (we are all one race: homo sapience sapience) but cultural and genetic supremacy – the pretense that some are better than others, mainly along old colonialist lines. White workers are given a tiny privilege over non-Whites and that’s how workers are divided and ruled. Racism is rooted in Classism.
Working Class
People who work for a living are divided by Classism into blue collar workers and white collar workers. The former again is split up into higher working class, lower middle class, middle class and upper middle class. And under the working class is the Underclass. This all, to scare workers that if they don’t work really hard and obey, they’ll go down; and to promise them that they might receive a little more money if they work really hard and don’t resist the idea of receiving only a fraction of the value of their labor.
Fear for the law (police, prison) or getting labeled crazy or put away in a mental institution, together with a fear of poverty and of death, are used to keep most of them in line.
The ideal worker for the economy works like crazy, never complains, works at top speed, takes any blame, is never sick and dies immediately upon going on pension.
They must be indoctrinated from a young age that they are stupid and powerless, or later in life, they would start believing in themselves and revolt.
The above majority oppressions are important, but I would like to focus on an important oppression of a majority: the oppression of women: Sexism. Feminism has made progress but the fight has not been won yet. In fact, no oppression can be over till they’re all over, because they function as a network. Therefore there are no unimportant oppressions.
1. Recently, there was a 25-year old van driver in Canada who for an hour tried to run over and kill as many pedestrians as possible. After cornered by the police, he demanded to be shot and even claimed to have a weapon to be killed by law enforcement. He wasn’t. The media claim that the police are at a loss for this senseless killing of 10 random people in the street. But the Internet does have more information.
This guy was a member of a group against women. He especially tried to hit women. Our society holds that a guy who kills a woman is a coward, so in order to look less despicable and more brave he wanted to be shot.
These heterosexual men are frustrated that they don’t get the love, affection and sex they think to be entitled to. Therefore they hate women who don’t want to have love and sex with them and they hate men who do get love and sex with women. Unbelievable! But spreading general hatred and resentment against women is not illegal.
Now, this is an extreme case of women being killed by sexism. But many more women get killed by less extreme cases of male chauvinism. Let’s list a number of examples of misogyny. The most common forms may kill most women.
2. Totalitarian men sometimes physically kill their female family members, while female dictatorial relatives only very rarely do so. (Both emotionally kill their relationships and their victims, which could destroy someone’s feeling of self-worth for decades.) The most misogynistic societies also murder women, like in unwanted female babies, after rape or “rebellious” women. In more “progressive” societies, so many promising women committed suicide because they couldn’t take the hatred towards women. Still, also these murders are relatively rare.
3. More subtle and slow but much more wide-spread are deaths caused by the defective medical industry. Male physicians often deem women (and effeminate men) too sensitive. They should stop whining or being “hysterical”! How many women die before their time because their health complaints are not taken seriously in time?!
Heart attacks are a major killer of men. How much money has been pumped into prevention of heart attacks?! (Only recently, female cardiologists found that heart attack symptoms in women look differently, so many heart attacks in women were not recognized.) But breast cancer, killing so many women, has to make do with a fraction of that money and attention.
Women often don’t get the same care against sexually transmittable diseases, because supposedly men are more at risk.
In general, the medical world studies and treats especially men. Women (and blacks) are exceptional types that are studied in special projects.
Men are the real people – women only their support system.
On top of that, treating women as bodies and sex objects, makes many desperate women ruin their health through compulsive and dangerous dieting, and feeling bad about their eating (when you feel bad, it’s hard to change).
All men come from women — our mothers. Men should be so grateful to them. Many men have female loved one and must be the first to care about the above, know about it, join hands and help stop murderous sexism.
And not just go against the most blatant extreme but rare examples. Even “normal” stereotypes and sexist “jokes” can be life-threatening. Because they add up and in the end, cause large-scale death.
As boys, we were often not taken seriously (that’s where we learned oppressive roles, in the position of the oppressed), so we can know how terrible and wrong oppression is. If men, as allies of Sexism, can have the ability to sour and shorten the lives of women, then we certainly have the power to stand with women and end Sexism.
Feminists must not only stop infighting between feminists or between women, but also fight all oppressions in their ranks. A special place there have liberations related to gender and sex. Feminist cis-gender women must learn about transgender lives, and straight women about non-straight lives. This even before combating Classism, Racism, anti-Semitism and every other oppression within their ranks, because the Transgender and GLBs oppressions empower Sexism as nothing else.