Steven Moss


I want to introduce myself. I am Rabbi Steve Moss. I live on Long Island, New York, and in Boynton Beach, Florida. I recently retired from my synagogue on Long Island where I served as Rabbi for 47 years.

I recently published my first book, “God is With Me; I Have No Fear”. This book contains my experiences with the Living God in my life and in each chapter, after my story is shared, asks the reader to reflect on God in his or her life. The book can be purchased thru

I am also a student of Kabbalah. I am working on a translation of the 17th century text, Maavor Yabok, which deals particularly with Gemilut Hasadim, Deeds of Lovingkindness, regarding visiting the sick, preparing the dead for burial, burial, visiting the grave, and mourning.

I am also teaching an on-line Zoom class on the text through an organization called, Kavod v’Nahum. I am an avid bike rider and hope to ride from Jerusalem to Eilat on the Israelride to raise monies for the Arava environmental education and research center in Israel. Donations can be made thru:

I am married to Judy for 51 years.

I hope to post on this blog items that are of a timely nature. I also hope to share some of my spiritual experiences and reflections. Shalom to all! And I pray that everyone stay safe during this difficult time throughout the world.

About the Author
Rabbi Steven Moss served as rabbi to B'nai Israel, Oakdale, NY for 47 years. He was a chaplain at Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, NY for 30 years and a chaplain to the Suffolk County Police Dept. for 36 years. He was chair of the county Human Rights Commission for 28 years.