B. Shira Levine
Navigating new wilderness


Some of you know by now that our family will be on the reality show reboot “Wife Swap” this spring.

Among our friends and family, reactions to this information has varied somewhat.  Usually the responses fall into one of two buckets:

  1. Discomfort / incredulity / judgment: “WHAT?!!!!!!!!  Why would any sane person do this?”
  2. Excitement / Amusement:  “WOW!  I can’t wait.  You guys are good TV.”

For the #1 folks, there are many different answers but the main one is that it landed in our laps and Michael and I are “say yes to the universe” people.  This should not surprise you, if you know us.  I won’t lie, it gets us in trouble sometimes.

For the #2 folks, are we good TV?  We shall see.  Having watched the promos and the first episode, the reboot seems drama- and conflict-inclined despite its vociferous self-promotion as “finding common ground.”  The first couple of episodes seem to have a designated “villain.”  Here are some choice bits from FB-

I had no delusions going in, but it’s still unsettling to see these types of actual remarks in advance of my own portrayal!  I am bracing myself for public judgment.  I have experienced it on smaller scales before, but hope I am up to the bigger challenge of learning how I really come off to hundreds of strangers, and leveraging the truth in it to improve myself.

There is not much more I can say before my episode airs.  Without spoiling anything I can say, though, that there is Jewish content!  My brief appearance (around 1:06) in the trailer shows me blowing a shofar.  One of my reality-fan friends suggested after watching it that I brand myself #shofarwife.  I had not really considered branding myself anything, but that’s pretty cute!

I am blowing a glass (vegan!) shofar purchased in Venice on our honeymoon. Isn’t it pretty?

V’hayikar lo l’fached klal.

Shofarwife out.

About the Author
B. Shira Levine writes about Jewish spirituality and observance, parenting, intersectionality, and the U.S. and Atlanta Jewish communities. Views are her own and not those of her employer, synagogues, or any other organization.
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