Joanna Yang

Simple Common Sense:The Fundamental Difference Between Israel and Hamas

Why Is Simple Common Sense Forgotten? The Fundamental Difference Between Israel and Hamas.

To support Israel or Hamas? It’s a simple question, and even with your eyes closed, the answer should be obvious. The two represent polar opposites in this world. Although Israel is not perfect, the differences between it and Hamas are glaringly obvious. And yet, so many people fail to discern them.

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Common Sense: You will know a tree by its fruit

When you see the fruit on a tree, you can tell whether the tree is good or bad. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. Isn’t that just common sense?

From the fruits of Israel and Hamas, the stark contrast between them becomes evident:

Israel vs. Hamas

A. Building vs. Destroying
History in recent years has shown that Israel has a constructive nature. Just look at the nation of Israel, a clear example. Hamas, on the other hand, is destructive by nature. Look at Gaza for proof.

In 2005, when the Jewish people were still in Gaza, the land was beautiful. After their withdrawal, what does it look like now?

It’s clear: if the Earth were handed over to these two, one would make it flourish, while the other might utterly destroy it.

B. Protecting citizens vs. Sacrificing citizens
Israel spares no effort to protect its women, children, and citizens. Hamas, by contrast, relentlessly pushes its women, children, and civilians toward danger and death, showing no mercy.

C. Contribution vs. Extraction
Despite facing immense challenges, Jewish people continuously innovate and contribute significantly to the world in fields like high technology and beyond. This is not an exaggeration—just search online for Nobel Prize winners and the data speaks for itself.

What about Hamas? They contribute nothing, NOTHING to the world—zero or minus positive value.

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D. Poor leaders vs. Wealthy leaders
The leaders of Israel and the leaders of Hamas, who is more wealthy?

The leaders of Hamas, who possess hundreds of millions—yes, millions of U.S. dollars. This information is easily accessible online.

E. Self-reliance vs. Begging for aid
When faced with the same land and refugee challenges, there were around 850,000 Jewish refugees from surrounding Arab countries. They chose self-reliance and never became a burden to the “international community.”

Hamas, on the other hand, has relied on international aid for decades, continuously stretching out its hand to demand help, becoming a global burden.

F. Internal unity vs. Internal conflict
Israel has never experienced a civil war. While there are differing opinions within the country, which is natural, these differences are resolved peacefully rather than through violence.

Contrast that with Hamas, which constantly engages in internal strife and silences dissenters with brutal methods.

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Do they have anything in common?

Israel hopes that everyone can prosper like Israel, so they strive to share their achievements with the world. Hamas, in contrast, hopes everyone will live like those in Gaza, using all possible means to bring destruction.

This is both their commonality and their difference.

Some may think, “What does Israel or Hamas have to do with me?”(the original readers are chinese) But I believe these two extreme examples, presented so clearly through abundant reports, are not coincidental. They serve as reminders, lessons, or warnings for us.

We need to reflect on ourselves. Are we more like Israel or more like Hamas?

Here’s a simple question: If the land were yours, would you rather have it governed by Israel or by Hamas?

(This article was originally written in Chinese and published in China. The author has used AI assistance to translate part of the article. Since English is not the author’s native language, any corrections or suggestions are warmly welcomed!)
About the Author
2010-2015 Working as a tour leader for Chinese tourists to Israel 2015-2017 Hebrew University, Hebrew Study 2017-2019 Tour Guide License Course in Tel Aviv by Ministry of Tourism, got the License after hard study 2019-2023 MA Degree, Bible Study, Bar Ilan University
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