Spreading Hatred Toward Jews on Daily Kos
Outside of political Islam, the most racist political movement in the west, today, of any significance, is unquestionably the progressive-left… the movement from whence I sprang. The style of contemporary progressive-left racism varies from the dying old-fashioned right-wing variety, because it is grounded in a condescension that sees the ethnic “other” as both inferior and in need of protection. In this way it bares similarity to imperial western nineteenth-century notions of “white man’s burden,” rather than classic twentieth-century racism championed by the hard right and organizations like, for example, neo-Nazi or “skin head” groups, not to mention the National Socialists, themselves.
This form of progressive-left racism however does not apply to the Jews. Instead they have swapped out hatred for the Jewish people with hatred for the Jewish State. This is not the “humanitarian racism” that the Left practices on non-white peoples, but a form of overt hatred, rather than condescension.
Progressive-left disdain for the Jewish people takes the form of disdain for the Jewish State. Disdain for the Jewish State takes the form of perpetually condemning it as a racist, imperialist, colonialist, militarist, apartheid, racist state. It’s the Big Lie and if you say it over and over and over again eventually people will come to believe it.
Let’s take a gander at an example from the hard-left Daily Kos website, shall we?
One of the more vile individuals that posts in that venue goes under the moniker Eternal Hope… although I know of one wag who likes to refer to her as Eternal Dope.
Eternal Hope currently has a “diary” posted entitled, Israel Denying Palestinian Christians the Right to Worship in Jerusalem.
First off, the title of the diary, itself, is a flat-out lie. It is a lie of implication. The implication is that Israel is denying Israeli Christians, in general, the right to worship in Jerusalem, which is plainly false. Christians of all varieties and of all ethnicities worship in Jerusalem on a daily basis. It is not Israel that practices religious apartheid, but almost the entire Arab world which does. In other words, Christians and Jews are prevented from practicing their faith throughout most of the Muslim world, yet Eternal Hope lambastes the tiny besieged Jewish minority in order to piss all over them before a western audience for the purpose of spreading hatred toward Jews by holding them to an insidious double-standard.
Please note that Eternal Hope’s source for this accusation is Der Sturmer AlJazeera. AlJazeera, needless to say, is in bed with “Palestinianism” (as is Eternal Hope, actually) and cannot be trusted as a fair source of news and information concerning the Jewish State of Israel. AlJazeera, itself, is heavily involved in the delegitimization project and this is precisely how it works. It is a blatantly hostile and heavily biased source of news and information that advertises hatred against the Jews for people like Eternal Hope to further disseminate in venues like Daily Kos or the UK Guardian or the Huffington Post and innumerable smaller progressive-left venues.
Furthermore, just what is a “Palestinian Christian”? Everyone who lives in the Land of Israel is a “Palestinian” in the sense that prior to the re-establishment of Israel as the national home of the Jewish people, the area between the river and the sea was alternatively known as either “the Holy Land” or “Palestine.” But “Palestinian” is no more a separate ethnicity than is “Californian.” No exclusive groups can lay claim to being “Californian.” “Californian” does not represent a distinct ethnicity and neither does “Palesinian.”
The so-called “Palestinian” people only emerged as a separate variety of Arab toward the end of the twentieth-century and did so for the specific purpose of challenging Jewish self-defense and autonomy on Jewish land. That being the case – which it most emphatically is – the Jewish people are under no obligation to recognize the government of an alleged people who came into existence for the specific purpose of undermining Jewish autonomy.
There has never been a Palestinian-Arab state and, unless they, and the Arab world, more generally, accepts Jewish sovereignty within Israel, there never will be.
Furthermore, the point in offering Christians the moniker of “Palestinian” is to encourage Christians to join with Muslims in their efforts to undermine, and eventually destroy, Jewish sovereignty and self-protection on historically Jewish land.
Thankfully, as I have read elsewhere, Christians in the Middle East are moving away from associating themselves with Arab political parties because the days of Pan-Arab Nationalism are over and the day of rising Jihad begun. Most Middle Eastern Christians, like most Middle Eastern Jews, have no burning desire to return to the submissive conditions of dhimmitude which is why, outside of Israel, the Christian population in the region is being decimated.
Since the overthrow of Barack Obama’s friends in the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, the Islamists have burned down how many churches in that country? Maybe 100 by this point? Maybe more.
This undermines the basis that Israel has to claim that it is a democratic system. Instead, it is treating its Palestinian Christian population with the same sort of discrimination that it is the rest of their Palestinian populations.
Israel, while flawed, is far and away the most democratic state in the region. No other country in the Middle East comes even remotely close to Israel as a fair and open democracy, yet malicious Jew Haters like Eternal Hope want to besmirch the character of the Jewish minority in the Middle East in order to erode what little support they have elsewhere in the world. Whatever Eternal Hope thinks that she is doing, she is helping to isolate and harass a small minority of Jewish people who have had war waged against them by a much larger hostile majority population over the course of about one hundred years, now.
The end result is that it is breaking up families and shutting people out of the process. This is hardly surprising coming from a government whose foreign minister openly advocates the transfer and revocation of citizenship for its Palestinian minority within Israel.
This is yet another lie. I have never been an advocate for Avigdor Lieberman, but he has no intention whatsoever of forcibly transferring anyone to anywhere, yet someone who did not know this, reading Eternal Hope’s malicious lies, would assume that Lieberman advocates for the physical expulsion of Arabs from Israel. He doesn’t and even if he did, just what do you expect from a minority population under siege by a hostile majority population? Of course there are Jewish Israelis who would like to see the expulsion of Arabs from the country. The reason for that is because a goodly proportion of those Arabs seek either to murder Jews or justify the murder of Jews, which is essentially what Eternal Hope is up to at Daily Kos.
Ultimately what Eternal Hope is endeavoring to accomplish – whatever she tells herself concerning her motives – is normalizing and encouraging violence toward Jews in the name of “social justice” and “human rights.”
She concludes:
But Israel’s policies of perpetual warfare against the Palestinian people as well as its rules and regulations designed to exclude Palestinian Christians from a meaningful civil life means that they are not the democratic system of government that was first envisioned when Zionism was first through up. Instead, they are an apartheid dictatorship which is designed to confer special rights on its Jewish majority population while denying rights to Muslims and Christians.
Notice the inversion embedded in the first sentence of that paragraph. “Israel’s policies of perpetual warfare”? The Jews of the Middle East want nothing so much as to be left alone in order to write computer code, litigate against one another, and send Natalie Portman’s out into the world. What they do not have is a policy of perpetual war. On the contrary, it is the Arabs who have for 13 long centuries kept the Jewish people under conditions of submission according to the doctrine of dhimmitude as expressed in the Pact of Omar during the seventh century.
Eternal Hope’s writings on the Arab-Israel conflict are something akin to a self-professed “liberal” blaming African-Americans for the oppression of white people for daring to oppose the system of Jim Crow. All Israel is doing is protecting the Jewish people from the intense malice around them and that intense malice long, long precedes the creation of the modern State of Israel.
In her commentaries on the Arab-Israel conflict she perpetually places all blame on the Jewish minority in the Middle East, while siding with a majority population whose leaders often call for the genocide of the Jewish people through the wiping out of the State of Israel.
Furthermore, to claim that Israel has a policy of “perpetual warfare” is the classic anti-Semitic trope that we’ve seen in Europe for centuries and in the Middle East for at least one hundred years. The Jews are warmongers! They like war for the sake of war! All good Germans people should ban together in order to confront this menace!
Finally, to call Israel an “apartheid dictatorship” is not only grossly unjust and malicious, it is also hugely hypocritical given the rest of the countries in the region. Muslims and Christians vote for national leadership within the Knesset and the Knesset actually contains anti-Zionist Arab members.
How much more democratic can a country be if they allow those who seek to destroy it as members-in-good-standing within their own parliament?
Arabs and Muslims share schools with Jews and restaurants with Jews and hospitals with Jews and university campuses with Jews. Arabs, furthermore, have greater access to all of those things in Israel than anyplace else within the entire Middle East. This is partly due to the fact that Palestinian-Arabs within Israel also have greater economic opportunities than do Palestinian-Arabs elsewhere within the Arab-Muslim Middle East. Notice that Eternal Hope does not mention the treatment of Palestinian-Arabs by their cousins in Lebanon or Jordan or Syria where they are largely kept in refugee camps and generally refused access to Lebanese or Jordanian or Syrian civil society.
The very last thing that Israel is is an “apartheid” state and the only people who claim otherwise are those who absolutely have it in for the Jewish people.
Eternal Hope is a racist, but as I said in the beginning, outside of political Islam, the progressive-left is the most racist political movement, of any significance, in the west today.
I have watched it become more so in the recent years of my lifetime and it is truly very sad, but it is also simply undeniable.
Michael Lumish is the editor of Israel Thrives.