Sticks and stones will break your bones but words of antisemitism will kill you!
Now that the brave soldiers of the IDF entered the fray, may Hashem protect them against the “Evil Incarnate – Hamas”, and help them to eradicate the armed forces of evil. We, Am Yisrael, need to eradicate the other forces of evil, via the rampant antisemitic, fraudulent reporting by the world media. We cannot be led to the slaughter, as happened more than eighty years ago during the Holocaust. Not only do we have the barbaric massacres of our brothers, sisters, children, even decapitating of four month old babies, but also the slander, lies, antisemitic rhetoric that has been spouted, for decades, by the world media, world leaders, racist organizations, and politicians. All those lies, words of hate, denials of the truth have been a major cause of terrorism attacks, and the barbaric massacres. The current ignoring of the absolute barbarism by the “Non-Humans”, akn as Hamas/ISIS, by not only the world press, but organizations, such as the UN, EU, even the current US administration and FFF Climate Change. Even some of our Jewish brethren have not condemned Hamas. Most of the world, because of the continuous antisemitic’ anti Israel rhetoric do not realize what danger we are in. We are slipping into the abyss of evil. They have been conned by the media’s amoral handling of the news. They have forgotten what happened on 9/11.
When my wife and I made Aliyah, March 2010, the first feeling I had was sadness that Israel’s youth have to be conscripted into the IDF to keep us safe. The second feeling was horror. I saw a video, from Gaza, of four year olds being brainwashed into hating Jews and Israel. Those four year olds are the teenagers and young adults of today that committed those barbaric, inhuman massacres.
“Never Again” has happened again. We cannot be complacent and let this “Evil” encompass the whole world. We are at the forefront, and we have to lead the world to defeat “Evil” by using whatever means we have available. Whether it is showing the world news media, that the time of “whoever pays the piper calls the tune” is over, and use any other means needed to heal our very sick world. A morally correct standard of news reporting based on proven facts must be enforced. We are the world! Let us, as our brave soldiers of the IDF are doing, march forth as an army, giving no quarter until “Evil” is defeated.