Michael Wolfowicz

Storm shuts down everything except hatred

In the wake of the unprecedented storm that hit Israel last week the blame game has begun. While a number of politicians, not to mention the run-of-the mill keyboard warriors attack Bibi and the State’s lack of preparedness, many Israeli citizens remain in dire circumstances. This is true of the road closures, especially around Jerusalem. The same holds for the thousands that remain without electricity. The elderly and the young are perhaps the most effected and emergency services are stretched beyond comprehension.

There is no point arguing over whether or not the State has acted properly in not foreseeing or being prepared for a storm of such unparalleled proportions. Despite what Nahum Barnea will tell you, this is because that no matter what precautions could have been taken, the attacks on Jews by hateful Arabs are unaffected by the snow.

The residents of Judea and Samaria are among those who were worst hit by the storm. School closures remain in effect. Many residents, whose choice of location is based on an unshakable ideology, begged for the IDF to help them evacuate elsewhere. The residents of many communities in these areas remain without electricity, without transportation, and some without food. As communities such as Itamar, Yitzhar, and Har Bracha are in such close proximity to Arab settlements and towns, it is natural that they too experienced the same weather, and therefore many of the same problems.

In fact, the IDF and the State have assisted Palestinian Authority vehicles that were trapped in many feet of snow—both private and ‘government’ vehicles. Other emergency response assistance has been provided to the PA and its residents, with coordination and supplies topping the list.  In Gaza the IDF has sent fuel, emergency supplies, and water pumps.

In return for Israel’s kindness and humanity Israeli citizens of the South absorbed rocket fire from Gaza. Clearly with 40,000 reportedly fleeing from the floods the Hamas affiliated custodians found enough time to express their hatred of Jews and the State of Israel. Residents of Jerusalem (and surrounding areas), Judea and Samaria have suffered a barrage of rock attacks; albeit disguised as ‘playful’ snowball throwing.  The number of such attacks in the last few days may end up being the highest in the last few months. A number of agricultural thefts (and attempted thefts), settlement infiltrations, and even an arson attack at an elevation of 850 metres are what we have gotten in return for our kindness, our humanity.

So the government can be accused of being unprepared for freak weather but it is almost irrelevant. The snow can stop traffic, it can shut down a capitol city, it can even shut down an entire country but it seems that no amount of snow, no degree of bad weather can stop the hatred of Jews or keep terrorists indoors and off the roads. The government can however be faulted for being unable to deal with what it knows is coming, with what it knows exists, and with what it knows to be regular. Unlike a once in a century storm, attacks on Jews by our Arab neighbours are daily occurrences. If the State is unable to deal with these attacks then it cannot be expected—or even trusted– to deal with more significant threats, ‘whether’ they be an act of G-d, a threatening Iran, or an arm twisting John Kerry.

About the Author
Michael Wolfowicz holds a BA in Security, Terrorism, and Counter-Terrorism. He currently is completing a double MA in International Security Studies, with a MA in Policing, Intelligence, and Counter-Terrorism (with a specialization in Counter-Terrorism). He has been working in various roles in private security, investigations and intelligence for 9 years.