Lou Sandler

Tamimi as the New ‘Face’ of Palestinian Opposition?

Was the officer slapped by 16-year-old Tamimi intimidated, frightened or scared by her; did the patrol feel ‘threatened’ by two deeply upset and angry young women whose spontaneous reaction was honest, personal and exactly as others might do anywhere else under similar circumstances?

Only Netanyahu’s thoughtless, unstable and amoral coalition could make 16 year-old Tamimi the new ‘face’ of Palestinian resistance. Only Israel’s self-serving hard Right politicians could be so without thought or self-awareness; so without basic fundamental political responsibility, justice or a vision for Israel’s future as to find it necessary to so demonize a single 16 year-old girl.

And that Israel’s citizens have largely supported the incarceration of this one 16 year old who just couldn’t take it anymore and understandably acted out in a very natural and human way clearly demonstrates how dangerously immune large segments of Israelis have become to the embedded daily violence and reactivity of Israel’s government and military in the Territories to Palestinian opposition and resistance.

Tamimi is not a ‘terrorist;’ is not (at least, was not) an activist; is (at least, was not) remotely a threat.

If a filmed spontaneous slap and kick by a 16 year-old to an adult male army officer is considered on the same grounds as those who throw rocks and bombs; who dig murder tunnels; who infiltrate Israel to murder children and families; who stab soldiers and police, Israel is at imminent risk of losing absolutely any remaining moral or strategic position while putting on display the unconditional uselessness and weakness of it’s current politics, policies and tactics.

Immediately drop the inane charges against Tamimi, her 20 year old cousin and mother.

Acting as if any of these three can be compared to the true criminals and terrorists among Palestinian operatives in Gaza or the West Bank further demeans Israel and it’s citizenry while ignoring even basic justice and giving more indirect ‘credibility’ to those true terrorists operating in the Territories.

Immediately free Tamimi, her mother and her cousin. Then, give some honest thought to what just happened.

About the Author
I was born in Baltimore, MD and have since had a wide range of experiences including a year plus in Israel. I've been a progressive organizer, writer/media spokesperson, coordinator and freelance. I am a PhD level Clinical Behavioral Analyst specializing in severe behavioral need in children (and adults) and their families. I write through no ‘agenda or special interest’ other than being a passionate supporter of Israel and Israel's future.
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