Michel M.J. Shore

Tempus Fugit, If One Does Not Carpe Diem.

Tempus Fugit, If One Does Not Carpe Diem.

Time Flies, If One Does Not Seize The Day.

A Motto for Life – Ecclesiastes-Kohelet


  (In memory of my maternal grandfather, Dr.Jakub Herzig, my father, Sigmond Shore and my mother, Dr.(Therese) Lena Allen-Shore)


As one sums up one’s whole life in review,

Especially on retirement or late age,

One then does see the truth of Kohelet;

The commandments comprise our whole duty:


To be responsible for all in our midst:

It is “Tempus Fugit”, if one does not “Carpe Diem”.

As my grandfather pointed to a park clock,

He saw the first words, the second came later.


My father’s entire Bar Mitzvah speech to me

encapsulated it all: be responsible,

that is your only obligation in life.

Do not seek honour; that comes from others.

Mazal, good fortune, solely comes from G-d.


My mother taught there are no strangers on earth;

Everyone belongs to a corner of the world.


That is the sum of it all. As it is the spirit of

responsibility for justice and compassion

which is forever, otherwise, all is but fleeting.



About the Author
Michel M.J. Shore is a retired judge of the Federal Court of Canada and recently made a home in Israel. He is the writer of several published books and poetry collections.