Tempus Fugit, If One Does Not Carpe Diem.
Tempus Fugit, If One Does Not Carpe Diem.
Time Flies, If One Does Not Seize The Day.
A Motto for Life – Ecclesiastes-Kohelet
(In memory of my maternal grandfather, Dr.Jakub Herzig, my father, Sigmond Shore and my mother, Dr.(Therese) Lena Allen-Shore)
As one sums up one’s whole life in review,
Especially on retirement or late age,
One then does see the truth of Kohelet;
The commandments comprise our whole duty:
To be responsible for all in our midst:
It is “Tempus Fugit”, if one does not “Carpe Diem”.
As my grandfather pointed to a park clock,
He saw the first words, the second came later.
My father’s entire Bar Mitzvah speech to me
encapsulated it all: be responsible,
that is your only obligation in life.
Do not seek honour; that comes from others.
Mazal, good fortune, solely comes from G-d.
My mother taught there are no strangers on earth;
Everyone belongs to a corner of the world.
That is the sum of it all. As it is the spirit of
responsibility for justice and compassion
which is forever, otherwise, all is but fleeting.