Nathan Lopes Cardozo

The Art of Imagination

One of the unique talents that human beings are blessed with is the faculty of imagination. Unlike any other creature, the human has nearly unlimited potential for constructive fantasy.

In fact, our civilization is built on imagination. Without this capacity, no progress could ever be made, whether in science, literature, philosophy, art, music or commerce. Our world would be unable to sustain itself and develop properly if human beings did not continuously explore new and uncharted paths. It is for this reason that every generation must ensure that its youngsters are provided with enough opportunities to develop a healthy imagination.

Children’s toys have become a major industry. In the last few decades, we have witnessed a boom in the manufacturing of the most sophisticated toys. Today it is possible to buy dolls that can walk, sing, speak with other dolls, sleep, cry, smile, and even need diapers. One gets the impression that in just a few years the industry will confuse its clients with even more lifelike dolls – to  such an extent that their manufacturers will rush to City Hall and register them as new births. Similarly, electric trains, boats, planes and other modes of transportation have become more and more like the real thing. Some of the electric cars available in toy stores can travel at a speed of 50 kilometers an hour, are equipped with radios, computers and windshield wipers, and can operate on solar power.

While our society welcomes these new innovations and regards them as greatly beneficial to our children and grandchildren, this is a major educational mistake.

The Torah is often referred to as a toy. King David said:

“ Had Your Torah not been my plaything, I would have perished in my affliction.”

(Tehillim 119:92)

This analogy is found a number of times in Tehillim (Psalms). Just as playing brings joy to a human being, so does busying oneself with the Torah. But,  what  does this joy comprise? No doubt, one of the many elements that contribute to the pleasure of playing is the use of imagination. Joy is the art of seeing great possibilities.

When people learn Torah, it is not just the information they assimilate that is enjoyable, but above all, they thrive on the possibility of creating chiddushim (new insights) by developing their own imagination in the pursuit of understanding the Torah.  This is one of the reasons why the Oral Torah was never completely recorded and why the Torah and later the Talmud were written in a most cryptic script, requiring the student to read between the lines in order to fully grasp the profundity within. This allows the mind to expand, demanding much creativity. “It is impossible that a Beth Midrash will not contain a chiddush.” (Chagiga 3a). One needs to use one’s own imagination to include what the text itself does not reveal.

One of the most important benefits of playing with toys is the fulfillment of children’s need to pretend. Children do not play with the toy itself, but rather with what they imagine while they are playing. The greater the distance between the toy and the product of the child’s imagination, the more intensive and beneficial is this pursuit to the child. The child will have to use all his imagination to create the world in which he wants to find himself and will, literally, have to think out of the box.

For this reason it is highly undesirable for toys to approximate reality. A doll that can speak, cry or smile is not a real doll, precisely because it is so “real”. The child is unable to pretend because the manufacturer has already done it for him.  Adults, who do not possess the same degree of imagination as do children, mistakenly believe they need to produce toys that look real. What they do not understand is that the children themselves will imagine the part that is missing. To be sure, the child will initially be very pleased with the state-of-the-art doll that can sing and smile, but a child is unaware of his own psychological makeup and will ultimately become bored. There is, after all, very little left to the imagination. In fact, more and more parents complain that the more expensive the toy, the sooner it is likely to be neglected.

Many Torah institutions today have fallen victim to the same problem as the toy industry. They now offer classes where questions become nearly impossible. The teacher delivers his discourse as a well prepared dish to which nothing more can be added and about which no longer any questions can be asked.   Instead of encouraging imagination, they kill every opportunity to do so. The Torah, then, is no longer the great plaything but a sophisticated toy which has become sterile. And just as the child will drop the toy, so the student will drop the Torah.

Toy manufacturers are certainly making more money than ever before. Similarly, many Yeshivoth are producing students with a phenomenal amount of Jewish knowledge. But are these booming industries serving the child’s and are the Yeshivoth producing real Torah scholars or just walking encyclopedias?

For a healthy future and Judaism, we will need adults who will be gifted with fertile imaginations. For that we need simple educational dolls for our children and Torah teachings that consist of open-ended inquiry and a willingness to undergo a renaissance.

Whether we succeed will depend on the toy industry’s understanding of human psychology and the leaders of our Yeshivoth  desire to make space for their students imagination. After all, Toys R Us. And so is Torah.

Sponsored Le-ilui Nishmatah shel HaZekenah Miriam Robles Lopes Cardozo eshet HaRav Ha’Abir Neim Zemirot Yisrael Abraham Lopes Cardozo, by her daughters Judith Cardozo-Tenenbaum and Debbie Smith

Dear Friends, Every week I receive hundreds of emails and important observations on my essays, via many channels. Unfortunately, the volume makes it impossible for me to respond to every comment. Please know that I deeply appreciate every comment, and learn from them all. Thank you for taking the time to share your comments. I hope you will continue to do so. — Nathan Lopes Cardozo

About the Author
Rabbi Dr. Nathan Lopes Cardozo is the Founder and Dean of the David Cardozo Academy and the Bet Midrash of Avraham Avinu in Jerusalem. A sought-after lecturer on the international stage for both Jewish and non-Jewish audiences, Rabbi Cardozo is the author of 13 books and numerous articles in both English and Hebrew. Rabbi Cardozo heads a Think Tank focused on finding new Halachic and philosophical approaches to dealing with the crisis of religion and identity amongst Jews and the Jewish State of Israel. Hailing from the Netherlands, Rabbi Cardozo is known for his original and often fearlessly controversial insights into Judaism. His ideas are widely debated on an international level on social media, blogs, books and other forums.
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