The Binary Universe II: Angels as Microprocessors
This essay is a sequel to “Bereshit: The Binary Universe I.” The first instalment explored the ideal of a binary universe hinted at by first letter of the Torah—the letter Bet (ב). We explored how the primordial duality of moti velo moti (“to touch and not to touch”), that is, the duality of emanation and withholding the light through the Tzimtzum (primordial contraction), manifests across multiple dimensions of existence. We examined the Creator-creation relationship, the nature of time, and paradoxes inherent in divine attributes, showing how these apparent dualities emerge from absolute divine unity. In this installment, we will focus on one aspect of the duality: software vs hardware.
The Hard Problem of the Binary Universe
Proposing that the universe is a binary code presents a fundamental problem: code represents software that requires hardware to execute it. If the universe is the software, where is the hardware that runs it? Let us call it the “hard problem of the Binary Universe.” Some suggest that hardware emerges from software as a byproduct of computational processes. However, this answer is circular because the code that “computes” the hardware would itself require hardware to be computed. Another idea is that space-time serves as the hardware. This notion also fails for the same reason—if space-time emerges from binary code, it would still require hardware to run that code. It seems that the software-hardware duality is one of the fundamental dualities of creation, akin to the Kabbalistic duality of light and vessels or the Cartesian mind-body dualism.
What are Angels?
Perhaps the Torah provides a hint to resolve this conundrum. The software-hardware duality might be alluded to through the duality of light and angels. We often have a primitive concept of angels as winged creatures, influenced by Christian iconography—something strictly forbidden in Judaism. In Jewish thought, however, angels are spiritual entities that filter the creative light (Or Ein Sof). As the Zohar states:
From the hiddenness of the Hidden One stream worlds upon worlds, and hosts upon hosts of angels emerge, each according to its kind. They receive their illumination from that supernal radiance and convey it below, each according to its measure and capacity, so that all existence may be sustained. (The Zohar, II:43a, trans. by Matt)
Creation is viewed as a negative process of concealment, where the infinite divine light is successively contracted, concealed, and screened until it loses its blinding luminance and can be absorbed by the physical world without annihilating it. We read in the Zohar:
A curtain was spread out, and from it shone a subdued radiance… The worlds are sustained by this diminished light, for were they to receive the supreme radiance undiminished, they could not endure. (Zohar, I:19b)
Jewish Neoplatonists, such as Ibn Gabirol (Avicebron) agree:
He [the Creator] is hidden by the intensity of His brightness… and from this hidden source emanations flow forth, each one more concealed than the previous, allowing the world to receive from Him. (Ibn Gabirol, 11th century)
This idea is echoed in Chasidic literature. Rabbi Dov Ber, the Maggid of Mezritch, states that all exists only because the Infinite Light is successively hidden, step by step. If the veil were lifted, the worlds would vanish as if they had never been. (Rabbi Dov Ber, Maggid of Mezritch) Tanya, Torah Or, and Likkutei Torah by the Alter Rebbe (Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi) and later Rebbes of Chabad elaborate on the theme of progressive concealment of the divine light.
The concept of Tzimtzum, the primordial contraction, was introduced and developed by the Ari and explained by his student, Rabbi Chaim Vital, who writes:
When it arose in His simple Will to create the worlds and emanate the emanations… He contracted (“tzimtzem”) that Light and drew far off to the sides around that middle point, leaving a vacant space and a hollow, empty void. (Vital, Chaim, Heichal A”K, Drush 1)
After the primordial contraction—the Tzimtzum—much of the task of screening the light falls upon the angels. Higher angels absorb the intense creative light (Or Ein Sof), allowing only greatly diminished light to pass to the lower angels. These lower angels, in turn, absorb the light they receive and let through even further diminished light, and so on. The Alter Rebbe further elaborates on it:
If any influence from this illumination would be drawn down to the worlds so that they might exist as they now do, they would be elevated and completely nullified in their source. Therefore, there must be a great and immense contraction, infinitely without end, until this reduced ray of illumination, diminished through many contractions, can be invested within the worlds without their being nullified out of existence. (Shneur Zalman of Liadi, Rabbi, Sha’ar HaYichud VehaEmunah, Chapter 3, 1796)
Metaphorically speaking, light is the food of angels, which they absorb, digest, and excrete. The excrement of the higher angels becomes the food of the lower angels. As Chassidim humorously observe that the physical world is a pile of poop of the lowest of the angels.
A more palatable metaphor is to think of an angel as a colored glass filter—it allows some light to pass through while absorbing other wavelengths. This mechanism illustrates how the multiplicity of the world emerges from the simple oneness of the Creator: the same white light appears in different colors after passing through various color filters, which in the biblical narrative are called angels.
Angels as Transistors
I propose a modern metaphor: an angel as an information-processing system.[1] It receives information (the original light), processes it, and outputs the processed information to other angels—other information-processing systems. This iterative process continues until the information becomes so coarse that physical reality emerges from it, echoing John Wheeler’s idea of “it from bit.”
In the realm of computing, the basic units of hardware are transistors—electronic devices that can exist in one of two states: zero or one. A transistor acts as a switch controlled by a small voltage applied to its gate. When the gate voltage is low, the transistor is “off,” very little current flows between its source and drain terminals, representing a logical “0.” When the gate voltage is high, the transistor turns “on,” allowing significant current to flow, representing a logical “1.” By controlling the voltage applied to the gate, we can switch the transistor between its “off” and “on” states, encoding binary digits.
Angels function similarly—some transmit more divine light, while others transmit very little. Those angels that allow most of the light to pass through represent a logical “1,” whereas those that screen out most of the light, allowing minimal transmission, represent a logical “0.” Therefore, angels can be seen as an allegory for transistors in this cosmic computational model.
This analogy can be further enriched by considering the prophetic vision of Ezekiel in the Ma’aseh Merkavah (“The Workings of the Chariot”), where he describes angels moving with a motion of “running and returning” (ratzo v’shov). These two states can be encoded as zero and one. “Running” (ratzo) symbolizes the self-nullification (bitul) of the angel, who desires to be absorbed back into its divine source—a state we can designate as “0” due to its negation of self. “Returning” (shov) signifies the angel’s recognition of its mission and purpose, embracing its individuality to fulfill divine will—a state we can designate as “1.” In this way, angels embody the binary states of transistors, switching between self-negation and purposeful action.
Transistors are combined to form logic gates, which perform basic logical operations like AND, OR, XOR (exclusive OR), and NOT. There are seven distinct logical gates:
- AND gate: Outputs 1 only if all inputs are 1.
- OR gate: Outputs 1 if at least one input is 1.
- NOT gate (inverter): Inverts the input.
- NAND gate: The opposite of AND. Outputs 0 only if all inputs are 1.
- NOR gate: The opposite of OR. Outputs 0 if at least one input is 1.
- XOR gate: Outputs 1 if an odd number of inputs are 1.
- XNOR gate: Outputs 1 if an even number of inputs are 1.
Number seven, of course, is highly significant in Judaism. For example, there are seven “heavens.” Using our metaphor, perhaps we can envision these heaves as seven logical arrangements of agels.
These logic gates are the building blocks of more complex arithmetic operations like addition and subtraction. We create a microprocessor by combining millions—or even billions—of transistors on a chip, enabling complex calculations and the execution of sophisticated software programs.
In our analogy, groups of angels could be combined into logic gates that perform these fundamental logic operations. The countless hosts of angels form a celestial supercomputer that computes the divine “code” (the creative light) to bring about the binary universe. As it is written:
He said: “The Eternal came from Sinai and dawned upon us from Seir; He shone forth from Mount Paran, and He came with myriads of holy ones [angels], at His right hand a fiery law for them.’ (Deuteronomy 33:2)
The chariots of G‑d are twice ten thousand, thousands upon thousands… (Psalms 68:17)
A river of fire was flowing and coming out from before Him; thousands upon thousands were serving Him, and myriads upon myriads were standing before Him. (Daniel 7:10)
Is there any number to His armies [angelic beings]? (Job 25:3)
Bless the Eternal, you His angels, mighty in strength who perform His word, obeying the voice of His word! Bless the Eternal, all you His hosts, you who serve Him and do His will. (Psalms 103:20-21)
These verses highlight the immense number of angels who “perform His word,” “obey the voice of His word,” and “do His will.” When the Almighty instructs certain angels to transmit most of the light, they obey His will and do so, assuming the logical value of “1.” When He commands other angels to screen out most of the light, they perform His word accordingly, assuming the logical value of “0.” Thus, the Creator combines myriads of angels into logic gates and microprocessors that execute logical operations and computations.
The Hebrew word for angel, “malakh” (מַלְאָךְ), literally means “messenger.” This etymology is deeply significant in the context of our metaphor, where angels are likened to transistors, logic gates, or microprocessors in a cosmic computational framework. Seeing angels as messengers enhances the analogy by highlighting their role in transmitting and processing divine information—the creative light of the Infinite, “Or Ein Sof.”
A transistor in electronic circuits acts as a fundamental component that controls the flow of electrical current, effectively serving as a switch or amplifier. It receives an input signal, processes it by allowing or restricting current flow, and produces an output signal. This mirrors the role of a messenger who receives a message, possibly interprets or modifies it according to instructions, and delivers it to the next recipient.
- Receiving the Message: The transistor receives an input voltage or current analogous to the angel receiving divine light or command.
- Processing the Message: The transistor processes the input signal by switching states (on/off). Similarly, the angel processes the divine light, perhaps screening, filtering or modulating it.
- Transmitting the Message: The transistor outputs a signal to the next component in the circuit. As a messenger, the angel delivers the processed divine effusion(shefa) to the subsequent level of creation.
Logic gates are combinations of transistors that perform basic logical functions, such as AND, OR, XOR, and NOT operations. They take one or more binary inputs and produce a single binary output based on logical rules. In this capacity, logic gates act as messengers that convey information and make decisions or transformations based on predefined principles.
Just as a messenger’s primary role is to deliver messages, transistors and logic gates transmit electrical signals, facilitating communication within a circuit. Angels transmit the divine will, conveying the creative energy from higher to lower realms. Messengers may need to interpret or adjust the message based on the context—logic gates process inputs to produce the desired output. Angels modulate the divine light, filtering and adapting it so that it can be received without overwhelming the lower realms. In complex systems, messages often pass through multiple intermediaries.
Similarly, electrical signals traverse through layers of transistors and logic gates. Angels exist in a hierarchical order, with higher angels transmitting refined aspects of divine light to lower angels. A messenger faithfully executes the sender’s instructions. Transistors and logic gates operate according to physical laws and designed functions, executing the “commands” of the electronic system. Angels obey the divine commandments without deviation, as emphasized in Psalms: “Bless the Eternal, you His angels, mighty in strength who perform His word, obeying the voice of His word!” (Psalms,103:20).
The flow of information is essential for both computational systems and the unfolding of creation. In computers, this flow is managed by hardware components. In the cosmic sense, angels manage the flow of divine information, enabling the transition from infinite potential to finite reality.
In the current Torah portion, parshat Vayetze, Jacob dreams of a ladder reaching from earth to heaven, with angels ascending and descending upon it:
He had a dream, and behold, a ladder was set on the earth with its top reaching to heaven; and behold, the angels of God were ascending and descending on it. (Genesis 28:12)
The ladder in Jacob’s dream can be seen as a symbolic representation of a communication channel or conduit between the physical and spiritual realms. The ladder connects earth (the physical realm) and heaven (the spiritual realm), analogous to a data bus or communication line in a computer system that connects different levels of operation. The movement of angels up and down the ladder represents the bidirectional flow of information. Ascending Angels carry information or “requests” from the physical to the spiritual realm, similar to how input signals or data are sent from lower-level components to higher-level processing units in a computer. Descending Angels bring down divine responses, commands, or processed information from the spiritual realm to the physical, akin to output signals or executed instructions being sent from the processor to execute tasks in the system. The angels ascending and descending symbolize the processing of information. Just as transistors switch states to process binary data, angels facilitate the transformation and transmission of divine energy. The descent of angels can be likened to the execution of processed instructions that result in actions within the physical world.
The ladder represents the hierarchical nature of cosmic communication, with angels acting as intermediaries at various levels, much like how signals pass through different hardware and software layers. The ladder also symbolizes the interface where the spiritual and physical realms interact, with angels ensuring the seamless transmission of information—much like buses and pathways in a computer architecture connect different components. The ladder bridges the dualities of heaven and earth, spirit and matter, software and hardware. Walking up and down the ladder requires taking one step at a time. Each rung on Jacob’s ladder is symbolic of the single step in the operations of a microprocessor mirroring the algorithmic nature of the code.
The ladder in Jacob’s dream stood on the ground. According to the midrash, it had four rungs, corresponding to four worlds of Seder Hishtalshelut (“chain-like order” [of creation]). Interesting, a central processing unit (CPU) of a computer also has this 1 + 4 structure:
Physical Layer: This is the lowest level, consisting of transistors and other electronic components. It’s where the actual electrical signals and logic gates operate. This layer metaphorically corresponds to the ground on which the Jacob’s ladder stood.
Logic Gate Layer: This layer is built upon the physical layer and consists of logical gates like AND, OR, NOT, and others. These gates perform basic logical operations. Metaphorically, this is the first rung on the Jacob’s ladder.
Control Unit Layer: This layer controls the overall operation of the CPU, fetching instructions from memory, decoding them, and executing them. Metaphorically, this is the second rung on the Jacob’s ladder.
Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) Layer: This layer performs arithmetic and logical operations on data, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and bitwise operations. Metaphorically, this is the third rung on the Jacob’s ladder.
Register Layer: This layer consists of a set of high-speed storage locations within the CPU, used to store data temporarily during calculations. Metaphorically, this is the fourth rung on the Jacob’s ladder.
The physical level parallels the earth upon which the ladder stood. The higher layers of hardware architecture— Logic Gate Layer, Control Layer, Arithmetic Layer, Register Layer—parallel the four rungs of the Jacob’s ladder.
In this metaphorical framework, the divine supercomputer operates through the collective actions of angels functioning as transistors and logic gates. This celestial computation processes the fundamental binary code that underlies the universe, bridging the gap between the metaphysical and the physical. Perhaps this is how the “code” of creation is executed, with angels serving as the hardware that runs the cosmic software, manifesting the physical reality we experience.
[1] See my post, “Noah’s Ark—Three Layers of Reality.” (, October 28th, 2020, retrieved December 5, 2024.
Originally published on on 11/05/2024.