John Cronin

The Complete Idiot’s Guide to MidEast Peace (part10)

With origins that may be older than time, the Israeli-Palestinian journey towards establishing and ensuring the legitimacy of their respective claims and causes has been a long and arduous one. The price has been high; the cost to so many human lives, physical and mental, continues even to this day. Despite strenuous efforts by those on both sides and others more distant from the scene, no solution has yet been found. Nothing, so far, has adequately addressed the host of conflicting emotions, memories and aspirations inherent in this apparently endless dispute.

So, in a situation of such intense depth and complexity, is there anything left that hasn’t already been done?

For a condition that has never really responded to conventional treatment, not even once in a time-span lasting well over 66 years, only the most radical of measures can now merit any chance of success.


The complete idiot’s guide to Middle East peace (latest edition)


  1. There must be a single set of standardised rules, ones that can never be dispensed with, not abrogated nor misinterpreted in any way, shape or form whatsoever.
  2. These have to be universally acceptable, rigorously fair in application and transparently understood, even by the meanest of intellects.
  3. Penalties for breaking the rules must be such that none but a mentally deranged person would dare to even think about transgressing them. And no Court of Appeal; all decisions are final.
  4. The process is required to be completely autonomous, the possibility of undue influence or outside interference reduced to absolutely zero and maintained that way for the duration.
  5. Once powered up, there is no ‘off-switch,’ no shut-down sequence. It becomes just as intrusive and constant as the conflict itself.
  6. – ‘for those of us with better things to do.’
  7. Bonus feature: This can also be used elsewhere and in other conflicts. For instance, it might have given Mr. Putin considerable pause for thought during his recent foray into Crimea.
  8. The alternatives are few and far between. In fact, to say there aren’t any at all would be not too far short of the mark.
About the Author
Engineer, Virgo - now retired having worked 30 years in the field of medical diagnostic imaging for a major German multinational. Based in UK .