The complete idiot’s guide to Mideast peace – part 190
WATCH: IDF detonates terror tunnel in Gaza | The Times of Israel ‘Army has uncovered most of the underground shafts, top officer says, and Hamas fighters are losing morale ‘
While Israelis may well exhibit a fair degree of satisfaction in witnessing the destruction of so many Hamas tunnels, it must be somewhat sobering to realise that others may still remain intact, available for purposes not yet disclosed or acted upon.
But might not a more positive lesson be taken from this insidious form of warfare, a tactic known and employed for centuries by military forces throughout the world?
Would it be possible to ‘tunnel’ underneath the ground upon which the whole Palestinian-Israeli conflict is based and seek to successfully undermine it from there? Could the virtual equivalent of explosive charges be placed deep within its foundations, acting as a series of conceptual booby traps, ready and waiting to be triggered by the unwary and those unwilling to vacate the structure in its entirety?
With such an arrangement in being, how much longer could the contest be expected to last? When would the decision be made to abandon the present battlefield and establish a new one in some quieter venue, one far removed from whatever ‘tunneling’ construction might threaten it? – ‘ for those of us with better things to do.’
Turning negatives into positives, swords into plowshares. Or even tunneling equipment if the need is there. Which it most definitely is.