John Cronin

The complete idiot’s guide to MidEast peace (part64)

Read more: After talks collapse, experts advise wait-and-see approach | The Times of Israel 

There is something to be said for an American administration’s hands-off approach to Israeli-Palestinian peace efforts at this time. Indeed, a more laid-back approach in general might work to everyone’s best advantage.

A certain natural reluctance on the part of both the principals here should be taken into consideration by one and all. Having manifest destinies and futures shaped and overseen by what, to some extent, are very much the intentions of outside forces does not do a great deal for one’s personal esteem or national pride.

And yet standing by and, essentially, doing nothing has never seemed to improve matters, certainly not if the past is anything to go by. So what, if any, should be our next move? Do nothing? Do something? Or can there be a middle road down which all of us might travel together? – ‘ for those of us with better things to do.’

Here the ball is most decidedly in the court of all those disputing the matter and yet the playing field has been radically altered forever. These new parameters now command a complete reversal in the thought processes and actions of two communities whose long and bitter struggle has kept them in contention for what seems like an eternity.

In the end, it may only have been a question of finding the right key to open up a door that had been very firmly closed from the beginning. .

And without which, was likely to remain that way for the rest of time.





About the Author
Engineer, Virgo - now retired having worked 30 years in the field of medical diagnostic imaging for a major German multinational. Based in UK .